New York Times Is Now Telling Bigger Lies Than Iraq WMDs and More Effectively

The New York Times routinely tells bigger lies than the clumsy nonsense it published about weapons in Iraq. Here’s an example. This package of lies is called “Liberals Have a Blind Spot on Defense” but mentions nothing related to defense. It simply pretends that militarism is defensive by applying that word and by lying that … Continue readingNew York Times Is Now Telling Bigger Lies Than Iraq WMDs and More Effectively”

The Monroe Doctrine Is Soaked in Blood

The Monroe Doctrine was first discussed under that name as justification for the U.S. war on Mexico that moved the western US border south, swallowing up the present-day states of California, Nevada, and Utah, most of New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado, and parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Wyoming. By no means was that as … Continue reading “The Monroe Doctrine Is Soaked in Blood”

US Military Spending Is Undebatable Because It’s Indefensible

Spain, Thailand, Germany, Japan, Netherlands – The word has gone out that every government can buy a lot more weapons with either no debate at all or with all debate shut down by a single word: Russia. Do a web search for “weapons buying” and you’ll find story after story about U.S. residents solving their … Continue reading “US Military Spending Is Undebatable Because It’s Indefensible”

The Pentagon and CIA Have Shaped Thousands of Hollywood Movies Into Super Effective Propaganda

Propaganda is most impactful when people don’t think it’s propaganda, and most decisive when it’s censorship you never knew happened. When we imagine that the U.S. military only occasionally and slightly influences US movies, we are extremely badly deceived. The actual impact is on thousands of movies made, and thousands of others never made. And … Continue reading “The Pentagon and CIA Have Shaped Thousands of Hollywood Movies Into Super Effective Propaganda”

War Powers Reform and the Pretense Thereof

I’ve just read through three of the most boring but potentially most important documents around. One is the War Powers Resolution of 1973 which you can print on 6 pages and is what’s referred to as existing law even though it’s violated as routinely as air is breathed. Another is a war powers reform bill … Continue reading “War Powers Reform and the Pretense Thereof”

Biden Defends Ending a War He’s Not Fully Ending

It’s been a dream of peace-loving people everywhere for over 20 years now for a U.S. government to end a war and to speak in support of having done so. Sadly, Biden is only partially ending one of the endless wars, none of the others having yet been fully ended either, and his remarks on … Continue reading “Biden Defends Ending a War He’s Not Fully Ending”

In 1940, the United States Decided To Rule the World

Stephen Wertheim’s Tomorrow, The World examines a shift in elite U.S. foreign-policy thinking that took place in mid-1940. Why in that moment, a year and a half before the Japanese attacks on the Philippines, Hawaii, and other outposts, did it become popular in foreign-policy circles to advocate for US military domination of the globe? In … Continue reading “In 1940, the United States Decided To Rule the World”