The Damnable Cult of the Stock Market and the Istanbul Bonesaw Massacre

During an appearance on Fox Business yesterday we were asked about the Khashoggi affair and whether any intemperate response by Washington might inconvenience the party kids’ reviling on Wall Street. Perhaps we were having a bad hair day, but the question did trigger a fairly intemperate response on our part. For crying out loud, Mohammed … Continue reading “The Damnable Cult of the Stock Market and the Istanbul Bonesaw Massacre”

‘Cry For Help’ My Eye! It’s Sabotage by a Deep State Handmaid

Well, Mr./Mrs./Ms. Anonymous didn’t pull any punches. He/she/they/it took to the op ed pages of the NYT to announce that there is a coup underway in the White House – the kind of bald-faced election-tampering that our putative Russian meddlers could only drool about. What we mean is that America knowingly elected – for better or … Continue reading “‘Cry For Help’ My Eye! It’s Sabotage by a Deep State Handmaid”

Political War! Washington Goes Full Retard on the Russia Hoax

It’s hard to identify anything that’s more uncoupled from reality than the Donald’s Trade War and reckless Fiscal Debauch. Together they will soon monkey-hammer today’s delirious Wall Street revilers and send main street’s aging and anemic recovery back into the drink. Except, except. When it comes to unreality, Trump’s crackpot economics is actually more than … Continue reading “Political War! Washington Goes Full Retard on the Russia Hoax”

21st Century Witchcraft: The Real Election Meddlers

The most chilling thing about the just released Carter Page FISA application is right at the top. It essentially says that if you talk to any foreign government not approved by Washington about any civilian topic such as energy policy, you can be accused of being a foreign agent, wiretapped and charged with a crime: … Continue reading “21st Century Witchcraft: The Real Election Meddlers”

How Syria and Ukraine Drove the Russia Hawks Insane

In Part 1 we referenced the infamous hysteria triggered in Salem Massachusetts by Betty Parris (age 9) and Abigail Williams (age 12). In 1692 their prepubescent imaginations were apparently more than capable of detecting the evil doings of witches at loose in their community; and a population hopped up with Calvinist enthusiasm for the supernatural … Continue reading “How Syria and Ukraine Drove the Russia Hawks Insane”

The New Handmaids of the Warfare State – Dems and the Liberal Media

If you want to know why America is going to hell in a fiscal hand basket, it’s because the last vestige of opposition to the Warfare State and the fiscal muggings of the military/industry/intelligence complex has utterly evaporated. We are referring, of course, to the delirious Russophobia that has overtaken the Dems and the liberal … Continue reading “The New Handmaids of the Warfare State – Dems and the Liberal Media”

The Vlad and Donald Show – A Glorious Blow for Peace!

The Vlad and Donald show in Helsinki Monday was simply brilliant and breathtaking – we’d say even a beautiful thing to behold. Between them, they left CNN’s nattering nabobs of neocon nonsense sounding like the shrieking monkeys they actually are. And that’s to say nothing of the fools they made out of the newly minted … Continue reading “The Vlad and Donald Show – A Glorious Blow for Peace!”

Time for a Mercy Killing at NATO

The Great Disrupter was in fine fettle Wednesday. First he scolded Germany for investing in a natural gas pipeline from Russia that makes all the sense in the world and then blasted it for not spending money on defense it doesn’t need. Well, I have to say, I think it’s very sad when Germany makes … Continue reading “Time for a Mercy Killing at NATO”

America First, Helsinki and Trump’s Existential Threat to the Empire

The major – perhaps only – redeeming virtue of the Donald’s ersatz campaign platform was his clear intent to seek a rapprochement with Russia, revamp America’s commitments to NATO and other cold war relics and to discard "Regime Change" as the core tenant of foreign policy. In essence, "America First" was to become the new … Continue reading “America First, Helsinki and Trump’s Existential Threat to the Empire”

It Didn’t Take a Village of Deep Staters – Just The Donald

The village idiots of Imperial Washington are having conniption fits about the Singapore summit. That’s because after 65 years of lobbing military threats and diplomatic poison pens at Pyongyang, the Donald showed the way to resolving the North Korean file in just six hours. That is, in the case of the Korean peninsula like the … Continue reading “It Didn’t Take a Village of Deep Staters – Just The Donald”