How the Media Distort News From Venezuela

Whenever officials in Washington, D.C. set out to overthrow a foreign government, mainstream US media outlets are there to give a helping hand. All pretense of fairness and balance disappear in favor of outrageous distortion. For the most recent example, let’s look at Venezuela. Both high-level Republicans and Democrats have decided it’s time for Venezuela, … Continue reading “How the Media Distort News From Venezuela”

What’s Really Going On in Kashmir?

On Feb. 14 a suicide bomber killed over 40 Indian soldiers in Kashmir in what India claimed was a terrorist attack. India retaliated by bombing a terrorist training camp, which turned out to be an uninhabited mountain top. The Pakistani air force shot down an Indian jet fighter, and India shot down a Pakistani plane. … Continue reading “What’s Really Going On in Kashmir?”

How the War in Yemen Could End in a Matter of Days

The murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has intensified Washington’s debate over the war in Yemen. On February 13, by a 248-177 vote, the House of Representatives passed a War Powers Act resolution to end U.S. participation in the war. But officials in Washington, D.C. don’t generally know that under terms of a little … Continue reading “How the War in Yemen Could End in a Matter of Days”

Venezuela: Democratic Uprising or US Coup?

Tens of thousands of angry people march in the streets to protest lack of democracy. Women bang on pots to raise alarm over the economic crisis brought on by a socialist president. The United States denounces the leftist government and promises to help bring democracy to the country. Venezuela in 2019? No, it was Chile … Continue reading “Venezuela: Democratic Uprising or US Coup?”

Senate Tumult Reflects Popular Discontent With Yemen War

I’m on a low-budget book tour, sleeping in spare bedrooms and munching granola in the kitchens of progressives all along the East Coast. Many had felt beaten down and pessimistic from two years of Trumpism. But I now sense some optimism and a renewed fighting spirit. Just look at the surprising battle in the Senate … Continue reading “Senate Tumult Reflects Popular Discontent With Yemen War”

Gaza Battle – Israel Loses Politically

Earlier this week the Israeli military and armed groups in Gaza clashed in the worst fighting since their 2014 war. Israeli planes bombed Palestinians, killing seven, wounding 26 and destroying numerous office and apartment buildings. Palestinian groups fired rockets and mortars into Israel, killing one civilian and wounding 18. Both sides agreed to an uneasy … Continue reading “Gaza Battle – Israel Loses Politically”

Murder of Saudi Journalist Builds Opposition to Yemen War

The murder of dissident Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi has backfired on the Saudi royal family by focusing new attention on its vicious war on Yemen. The last few weeks have seen startling new reports on civilian atrocities and growing support for a House of Representative resolution invoking the War Powers Act to stop the war. … Continue reading “Murder of Saudi Journalist Builds Opposition to Yemen War”

What the Khashoggi Case Tells Us About Terrorism

ISTANBUL – In 2013, an Iranian national living in Texas was sentenced to twenty-five years in prison for planning to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to Washington, D.C. The State Department alleged that Iran’s Al Quds force masterminded the terrorist plot. Although the bombing never took place and Iran denied any connection with the conspiracy, 92 … Continue reading “What the Khashoggi Case Tells Us About Terrorism”