Is Trump Moderating on Foreign Policy? Not in the Least

“Chaos,” “dismay,” “radically inept” – those are just a few of the recent headlines analyzing Donald Trump’s foreign policy. In truth, disorder would seem to be the strategy of the day. Picking up the morning newspaper or tuning on the national news sometimes feels akin to opening up a basket filled with spitting cobras and … Continue reading “Is Trump Moderating on Foreign Policy? Not in the Least”

The United States of Permanent War

As the foreign policy establishment continues to grapple with the consequences of Trump’s election, U.S. officials can still agree on one thing. The United States is a nation that is waging a permanent war. In December 2016, President Obama reflected on the development in a speech that he delivered to US soldiers at MacDill Air … Continue reading “The United States of Permanent War”

At the Altar of American Greatness

Originally posted at TomDispatch. The members of what TomDispatch regular Andrew Bacevich, author of America’s War for the Greater Middle East, calls “the Church of America the Redeemer” are in some disarray these days and in quite an uproar over the new Pope and his aberrant set of cardinals now ensconced in Washington. Perhaps there … Continue reading “At the Altar of American Greatness”

Believing That War Has Consequences

A February NBC news poll reveals some dramatic diversity within the minds of Donald Trump’s America. The topics covered are varied, and include Americans’ current feelings about Russia, and their worries over a future major war (56 percent are very or somewhat worried). One other question caught my eye, however, and that was a choice … Continue reading “Believing That War Has Consequences” vs. the Decline of American Journalism

What is the “alternative” media? If we look at the phrase itself, it seems to mean the media that presents itself as the alternative to what we call the “corporate media,” i.e. the New York Times, the Washington Post, your local rag – in short, the Legacy Media that predominated in those bygone days before … Continue reading “ vs. the Decline of American Journalism”

The Trump-Netanyahu Circus: Now, No One Can Save Israel From Itself

The President of the United States can hardly be taken seriously, saying much but doing little. His words, often offensive, carry no substance, and it is impossible to summarize his complex political outlook about important issues. This is precisely the type of American presidency that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, prefers. However, Donald Trump is … Continue reading “The Trump-Netanyahu Circus: Now, No One Can Save Israel From Itself”