Tripwires on the Way to the Inauguration

While President-elect Donald Trump confronts a coordinated assault by the “intelligence community,” the media, and the Democratic party that seeks to delegitimize him before he even takes the oath of office, it’s on the foreign front that the greatest danger looms. The conspiracy theory that has been pushed by the CIA, embraced by the media, … Continue reading “Tripwires on the Way to the Inauguration”

Washington’s Commandos Without Borders

When Donald Trump enters the Oval Office, awaiting him will not only be his own private air assassination corps (those CIA drones that take out terror suspects globally from a White House "kill list"), but his own private and remarkably secret military. Ever since John F. Kennedy first made the Green Berets into figures of … Continue reading “Washington’s Commandos Without Borders”

Oscar to Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the UN, for her Fake Portrayal of Mother Teresa

Aleppo, Syria was finally liberated. After bombing the eastern part of the historic city for several months, the Syrian army finally took complete control of Aleppo. A large number of civilians, including women, elderly, and children have been reportedly killed, and reports indicate that many captured men might have either been executed, drafted into the … Continue reading “Oscar to Samantha Power, US Ambassador to the UN, for her Fake Portrayal of Mother Teresa”

Starving Yemeni Children, Bloated US Weapons Makers

While the world is transfixed on the epic tragedy unfolding in Syria, another tragedy – a hidden one – has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every ten minutes a child in Yemen is now dying from malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory-tract infections. A new UNICEF report … Continue reading “Starving Yemeni Children, Bloated US Weapons Makers”

Lessons of Aleppo – for Trump

In this world, it is often dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, said Henry Kissinger in 1968, but to be a friend is fatal. The South Vietnamese would come to appreciate the insight. So it is today with Aleppo, where savage reprisals against U.S.-backed rebels are taking place in that hellhole of … Continue reading “Lessons of Aleppo – for Trump”

The Leak That Came in From the Cold

What difference, at this point, does it make? As the frantic attempts by die-hard Democrats, the media, and the CIA to prevent Donald Trump from being sworn into office reach a fever pitch, Hillary Clinton’s anguished cry seems like the only appropriate response. Trump won the election, he’s now announcing his Cabinet, and that’s the … Continue reading “The Leak That Came in From the Cold”