The Infamy of the Palestinian Elites: An Imminent Split Within Fatah?

The Fatah movement is involved in a massive tug-of-war that will ultimately define its future. Though the conflict is between current Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and once Gaza strongman Mohammed Dahlan is in no way motivated by ending the Israeli occupation, their war will likely determine the future political landscape of Palestine. The issue … Continue reading “The Infamy of the Palestinian Elites: An Imminent Split Within Fatah?”

The Brookpark Marines, the Truth About War, and a Message of Life

The dominant news story in my community during late August, 2005 was the funerals of young Marines killed in Iraq. A memorial service was held as the bodies were returned home to Brookpark, Ohio. Governor Bob Taft asserted that these young men "died for freedom." Well, I do not believe the Iraq War served the … Continue reading “The Brookpark Marines, the Truth About War, and a Message of Life”

Why Trump Won: The Foreign Policy Factor

The media – and by that I mean a horde of Clinton surrogates masquerading as “journalists” – is in full-bore self-examination mode, strenuously trying to figure out how to “explain” the victory of Donald J. Trump – as if they are doctors who must diagnose the nature and cause of a disease. Congruent with this … Continue reading “Why Trump Won: The Foreign Policy Factor”

To-Do List for a Trump Presidency

At some point during Tuesday night, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews, strangely enough, was a momentary voice of reason and calm when he sarcastically pointed out that Gitmo remains open in spite of President Obama’s campaign promise to shut it down. That it an easy way of pointing out that presidential candidates say a lot, and … Continue reading “To-Do List for a Trump Presidency”

Germany Urged To Pause on Syrian Escalation

In view of the surprising election victory of Donald Trump, today’s vote in the Bundestag has assumed even greater importance. There are very passionate warmongers in the United States. Thank goodness, President Obama is not one of them. I believe that Donald Trump, like Obama, would like to find a way to end the armed … Continue reading “Germany Urged To Pause on Syrian Escalation”

Trump’s Revolution

Donald Trump has done the unthinkable – unthinkable, that is, to the sneering elites: the “journalists” who have been spending their days snarking at Trump on Twitter, the DC mandarins who disdained him from the beginning, and the foreign policy “experts” who gasped in horror as he challenged the basic premises of the post-World War … Continue reading “Trump’s Revolution”