The Convoluted Discourse: Was the Women’s Boat to Gaza an Existential Threat?

The Israeli official narrative regarding its conflict with the Palestinians is deliberately confounded because a muddled up discourse is a convenient one. It allows the narrator to pick and choose half-truths at will, in order to create a falsified version of reality. For instance, this is part of what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said … Continue reading “The Convoluted Discourse: Was the Women’s Boat to Gaza an Existential Threat?”

Do Western Nations Care About Yemeni Lives or Saudi Blood Money?

How much is the life of a Yemeni worth? Not much, according to the Saudi regime that has been bombing and starving the people of Yemen for since March 2015, or to the Saudi’s western backers, particularly the US and UK, which have been supplying the Saudi regime with weapons, military training, logistical support and … Continue reading “Do Western Nations Care About Yemeni Lives or Saudi Blood Money?”

Syria – What Is the Cost of ‘Victory’?

A deep contradiction lies at the heart of US policy towards the present horrifying conflict in Syria. Which is better? To now reluctantly accept continuation of Bashar al- Assad in power in Damascus for the foreseeable future, thereby hastening the end of the war and the killing? Or to fight till the last Syrian in … Continue reading “Syria – What Is the Cost of ‘Victory’?”

Russia Reads US Bluster as Sign of War

For instance, Russian defense spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov warned on Oct. 6 that Russia is prepared to shoot down unidentified aircraft – including any stealth aircraft – over Syria. It is a warning that I believe should be taken seriously. It’s true that experts differ as to whether the advanced air defense systems already … Continue reading “Russia Reads US Bluster as Sign of War”

American Power at the Crossroads

Originally posted at TomDispatch. Last week in Afghanistan, the Taliban, once almost lacking a presence in the northern part of the country, attacked Kunduz, a northern provincial capital and held parts of it for days (as they had in 2015). At the moment, that movement also has two southern capitals under siege, Tarin Kot in … Continue reading “American Power at the Crossroads”

The Second Debate: Oh, Those Dastardly Russians!

The second presidential debate was supposed to have been an ambush in which the “threat” of Trump was dispatched with little effort on Hillary’s part. The tape of Trump engaging in what heterosexual men call “locker room talk” had just been released and the two moderators, Anderson Cooper (Clinton News Network) and Martha Raddatz (resident … Continue reading “The Second Debate: Oh, Those Dastardly Russians!”

Obama’s Syria Policy and the Illusion of US Power in the Middle East

With the collapse of the US-Russian ceasefire agreement and the resumption and escalation of the massive Russian bombing campaign in Aleppo, the frustration of hawks in Washington over the failure of the Obama administration to use American military power in Syria has risen to new heights.  But the administration’s inability to do anything about Russian … Continue reading “Obama’s Syria Policy and the Illusion of US Power in the Middle East”