How to Arm a ‘Volatile’ Planet

Originally posted at TomDispatch. As is often the case, I opened the Monday newspaper curious to find out how the weekend had gone at the movies. The headline read, “‘Ghostbusters’ Is No. 2 Behind ‘Secret Life of Pets.’” That meant Universal Studios’ animated film had again been the big winner, taking in an estimated $50.6 … Continue reading “How to Arm a ‘Volatile’ Planet”

Intervention Fail: ISIS Makes Bloody Gains in Post ‘Liberation’ Afghanistan

Shortly after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan in 1996 (their rise to power itself a result of the 1979 Soviet intervention in Afghanistan), we began to hear endless stories of the horrors of this student movement turned governing power. They ruled by Sharia law, they treated women badly, they even blew up ancient statues! … Continue reading “Intervention Fail: ISIS Makes Bloody Gains in Post ‘Liberation’ Afghanistan”

Trading Places: Swapping the Roles of Police and Military Is Bad for the Republic

Lately, the tactics of local police departments have been in the news because of mass shootings at Orlando and Fort Myers nightclubs, questionable police killings of civilians in suburban St. Paul and Baton Rouge, and retaliatory slayings of police in Baton Rouge and Dallas. Some commentators have argued convincingly that the militarization of police departments … Continue reading “Trading Places: Swapping the Roles of Police and Military Is Bad for the Republic”

The Secret US-UK Airwar Against Iraq

The Chilcot Inquiry, set up to look into the British role in the war in Iraq, reported on July 6, and although it was overshadowed by the political fallout from the Brexit vote to leave the European Union, received a largely favorable reception from the media and commentators. It is unclear why those commentators judged … Continue reading “The Secret US-UK Airwar Against Iraq”

The Hunt for Red Trump-tober

Justin Raimondo has some business to take care of today, so we’re running his last column. But never fear – he’ll be back on Friday!Julian Assange has done it again: exposed the inner workings – and crimes – of our political class, that is. This time his target is Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National … Continue reading “The Hunt for Red Trump-tober”