Has Hillary Ever Been Right?

Sen. Rand Paul raises an interesting question: When has Hillary Clinton ever been right on foreign policy? The valkyrie of the Democratic Party says she urged President Obama to do more to aid Syrian rebels years ago. And last summer, she supported air strikes on Bashar Assad’s regime. Had we followed her advice and crippled … Continue reading “Has Hillary Ever Been Right?”

Did Certain Foreign Governments Facilitate the 9/11 Attacks?

Some thirteen years after the event, the shadow of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in Manhattan and the Pentagon still darkens our world. The legacy of that terrible day has impacted not only our foreign policy, bequeathing to a new generation an apparently endless "war on terrorism," it also has led … Continue reading “Did Certain Foreign Governments Facilitate the 9/11 Attacks?”

Fearing Political Islam: Why Arabs Betrayed Gaza

Ask any Arab ruler, and they will tell you of the great sacrifices their countries have made for Palestine and the Palestinians. However, both history and present reality are testaments, not only to Arab failure to live up to the role expected of them and stand in solidarity with their own oppressed brethren, but also … Continue reading “Fearing Political Islam: Why Arabs Betrayed Gaza”

Advocating the Next War Means Forgetting History

ISIS is awful. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is a frightening band of marauding, violent theocrats. This seems obvious. But pointing out the awfulness of ISIS is something that people who advocate against intervention are going to have to do a lot for the foreseeable future. Pro-interventionists control the narrative so much so … Continue reading “Advocating the Next War Means Forgetting History”

Obama’s No-Win War on ISIS

The newest crisis in the Middle East has sucked the U.S. into yet another insoluble military problem. Obama is again considering a bombing campaign in Syria after infamously not bombing the country last year. This time, however, he’s not targeting his enemy Bashar al-Assad, but his enemy’s enemy – ISIS – now referred to as … Continue reading “Obama’s No-Win War on ISIS”

Sanctions Rebound To Hit Europeans

The Financial Times commented on August 10 that in reaction to the chaos in Ukraine, “Western policy has become a mere knee-jerk escalation of sanctions”, and for once the FT has got it right about foreign affairs. The US and its disciples in Europe and Australia have imposed sanctions on Russia for its alleged interference … Continue reading “Sanctions Rebound To Hit Europeans”

Another Bombing in Baghdad; 80 Killed in Iraq

Baghdad was hit by another car bomb today, but the number of casualties in the city was low compared to yesterday. Across Iraq, though, at least 80 people were killed. However, reports of militant deaths are becoming fuzzier with each passing day. Dozens more were reported killed in airstrikes, but even vague estimates are no longer being offered in many for many of the attacks. Another 58 were wounded.