Is Putin Worse Than Stalin?

In 1933, the Holodomor was playing out in Ukraine. After the “kulaks,” the independent farmers, had been liquidated in the forced collectivization of Soviet agriculture, a genocidal famine was imposed on Ukraine through seizure of her food production. Estimates of the dead range from two to nine million souls. Walter Duranty of the New York … Continue reading “Is Putin Worse Than Stalin?”

Yes, We Should Care More About ‘Our’ Wars

A common slur from interventionists is that so-called isolationists condone oppressive regimes, cruel warlords, or bloody civil wars simply because they do not wish to militarily engage. To wish to keep your tax dollars, your name, and more importantly, "your" armed forces out of other countries is to not care when other people are suffering. … Continue reading “Yes, We Should Care More About ‘Our’ Wars”

Undue Process in Washington

Originally posted at TomDispatch. What a world we’re in. Thanks to smartphones, iPads, and the like, everyone is now a photographer, but it turns out that, in the public landscape, there’s ever less to photograph. So here are a few tips for living more comfortably in a photographically redacted version of our post-9/11 world. Even … Continue reading “Undue Process in Washington”

US Plays Decisive Role in Israel’s Attack on Gaza

Two reporters for major US TV channels were summarily "removed" last week from covering Israel’s attack on Gaza, moments before Israel launched a ground invasion. NBC pulled out Ayman Mohyeldin, who has been widely praised for the even-handedness of his reporting from Gaza, just as he landed a harrowing scoop. He had kicked a football … Continue reading “US Plays Decisive Role in Israel’s Attack on Gaza”

Refugee Crisis: The Stunning Collapse of Syria’s Safe Spaces

While filming a documentary in Syria in the summer of 2003, I visited the Jaramana refugee camp near Damascus. Run by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine, Jaramana at the time housed around 5,000 registered Palestinian refugees from the Arab-Israeli wars of 1948 and 1967 and their descendants. At Jaramana, rows of decaying … Continue reading “Refugee Crisis: The Stunning Collapse of Syria’s Safe Spaces”

The New Meaning of ‘Isolationism’

Washington, D.C., is a world unto itself: inside the bubble, where politicians and their kept pundits endlessly massage each others’ egos (and bank accounts), the world is America’s oyster, to be greedily gulped and washed down with a swig of the Imperial City’s most popular intoxicant – hubris. Oblivious to the unwholesome spectacle of their … Continue reading “The New Meaning of ‘Isolationism’”

Israel: Occupation, War Crimes, and Apartheid

The Middle East is burning in fires of wars, violence, and destruction from Syria, to Yemen, and Iraq. But, amid all these wars, a new one has begun between Israel and the Palestinian people living in Gaza. The truth is that the war between Israel and the Palestinians is the mother of all the wars … Continue reading “Israel: Occupation, War Crimes, and Apartheid”