Sometimes, the world sends you back to school. These last months have offered us a crash course – call it Surveillance 101 – in how Washington, enveloped in a penumbra of extreme secrecy, went to work creating a global surveillance state on a scale almost beyond the imagination. It was certainly beyond the imaginations, not …
Continue reading “The Data Hackers – Mining Your Information for Big Brother”
A funny thing happened on the way to a war on Syria – in fact several funny things. First the road to Damascus was blocked by the sentiment of the American people who are fed up with war. Second, international opposition from every corner of the earth, save two or three, joined the barricade, even …
Continue reading “Peace Is No Longer a Partisan Issue”
The founders of the United States envisioned a federal government that was constrained by a written Constitution, which further diluted power within that government into four competing branches. Those branches were the two houses of Congress, which were clearly supposed to be dominant in the federal sphere, and the executive and the judiciary. Unfortunately, over …
Continue reading “NSA Spying Scandal – US Checks and Balances System Is Broken”
At least 38 people were killed and 25 more were wounded in random attacks across the country. Most of them took place north of Baghdad, but heavy clashes took place just south of the capital.
Quite frankly, I didn’t even want to use you guys, with your dip and velcro and all your gear bullshit. I wanted to drop a bomb. But people didn’t believe in this lead enough to drop a bomb. So they’re using you guys as canaries. And, in theory, if bin Laden isn’t there, you can …
Continue reading “9/11 Justice Never Tasted So Bitter”
Last week, for the first time since the 1979 Iranian revolution, the US president spoke with his Iranian counterpart. Their 15 minute telephone call was reported to open the door to further high-level discussions. This is a very important event. I have been saying for years that we should just talk to the Iranians. After …
Continue reading “An Opening to Iran?”
Baghdad once again suffered a series of coordinated bombings. Today’s mostly occurred during a 40-minute window. Violence, meanwhile, continued outside the capital as well. Overall, at least 71 people were killed and 164 more were wounded.
October 9, 2013A Note to My ReadersI’ve got some pressing business to take care of, and so no column today. But I’ll be back on Friday, all fresh and sassy.The US government may be in "shutdown" mode, but the American Empire is still operating at maximum capacity: this was underscored over the weekend by twin …
Continue reading “Libya and Somalia: Foreign Policy as Political Theater”
Suicide bombers staged a horrific attack against a tiny village in northern Iraq. Meanwhile, Shi’ite pilgrims were again targeted in Baghdad. Overall, at least 64 people were killed and 192 more were wounded.
A deadly morning attack against two journalists working in Mosul was quickly overshadowed by bombings in Baiji and then Baghdad. Both bombings were targeting Shi’ite Iraqis. Overall, at least 107 people were killed and 179 more were wounded.