Clarity From Snowden, Murk From Progressive Politicians

House Speaker John Boehner calls Edward Snowden a “traitor.” The chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dianne Feinstein, labels his brave whistleblowing “an act of treason.” What about the leadership of the Congressional Progressive Caucus? As the largest caucus of Democrats on Capitol Hill, the Progressive Caucus could supply a principled counterweight to the bombast … Continue reading “Clarity From Snowden, Murk From Progressive Politicians”

Datagate and the Death of American Liberalism

The widely noted poll showing Democrats are now the biggest cheerleaders for the Surveillance State has conservatives delightedly calling out the left for “hypocrisy,” noting with glee the leftie pundits who denounced George W. Bush’s administration for trampling on our civil liberties and are now defending the Regime against the Snowden–Greenwald revelations. Their liberal targets … Continue reading “Datagate and the Death of American Liberalism”

When Will the Dirty Wars End?

Director Rick Rowley and journalist Jeremy Scahill’s much talked about docu-thriller Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield opened on June 7 to strong positive reviews. A companion piece to Scahill’s book of the same name, Dirty Wars details the growing use of extrajudicial assassinations by the U.S. executive branch to strike at targets around … Continue reading “When Will the Dirty Wars End?”

Iraq: Sunni Governor Unhurt in Assassination Attempt, Two Others Killed

In Mosul, a bomb targeted a motorcade carrying the governor of Nineva province. Atheel al-Nujaifi, whose brother is the house speaker, was not hurt, but two bystanders were killed, and three bodyguards were wounded. A separate bombing left one civilian wounded. Three policemen were wounded in Rabeaa.

Liberty in Shambles

When British soldiers were roaming the American countryside in the 1760s with lawful search warrants with which they had authorized themselves to enter the private homes of colonists in order to search for government-issued stamps, Thomas Paine wrote, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” The soul-searching became a revolution in thinking about the … Continue reading “Liberty in Shambles”

Don’t Forget Syria

News about President Obama’s program to listen in on nearly all telephone conversations in the United States, which has been warning about for over two years, has preempted much of the alarming coverage about Syria. But one should not assume that lack of reporting means that the hawks are not continuing their efforts to … Continue reading “Don’t Forget Syria”

NSA Snooping on Americans Is Unconstitutional and Outrageous

The firestorm of media coverage over a whistleblower’s revelation — that the National Security Agency (NSA) likely has been monitoring the telephone calls of most Americans and is likely reading some Americans’ emails, photos, and other electronic data without a search warrant when trying to catch suspected terrorists (a program called “Prism”) — has become … Continue reading “NSA Snooping on Americans Is Unconstitutional and Outrageous”

Another Truth-Teller Steps Forward

Before the U.S. government and the mainstream media engage in the customary character assassination of truth-teller Edward Snowden – a fate endured by Pfc. Bradley Manning and others – let’s get on the record the motives he gave for releasing the trove of information on intrusive eavesdropping by the National Security Agency. Why would someone … Continue reading “Another Truth-Teller Steps Forward”

Bradley Manning vs. SEAL Team 6

Okay, give them this much: their bloodlust stops just short of the execution chamber door. The military prosecutors of the case against Bradley Manning, presumably with the support of the Obama administration, have brought the virulent charge of “aiding the enemy” against the Army private who leaked state secrets. Yet they claim to have magnanimously … Continue reading “Bradley Manning vs. SEAL Team 6”