A Specious Compromise on Cordoba

You are not terrorists. Your religion is not evil. Your project is not a monument to murder. But since some believe otherwise, I propose a compromise: Get out. That is the message adopted by some liberals and their allies in the wake of smoldering conservative rage over the Cordoba House proposal. Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, … Continue reading “A Specious Compromise on Cordoba”

In Defense of the Kochtopus

Suddenly, the “Kochtopus” is in the news – a subject about which I have first hand knowledge. That’s because, for a year and a half or so in the late 1970’s, I was part of it: part of the “family” of organizations funded by Charles and David Koch, two of the richest men in America. … Continue reading “In Defense of the Kochtopus”

The Boycott Israel Movement Needs to Rethink Tactics

Channel 10, one of Israel’s three TV channels, aired a report this week that surely frightened a lot of viewers. Its title was “Who Is Organizing the Worldwide Hatred of Israel Movement?” and its subject was the dozens of groups in various countries which are conducting a vigorous propaganda campaign for the Palestinians and against … Continue reading “The Boycott Israel Movement Needs to Rethink Tactics”

P.J. O’Rourke’s Progress

In the 1990s, I was a fan of economic humorist P.J. O’Rourke. One of his best books is Eat the Rich, which I described in a Fortune book review as an “Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations with a laugh on every page.” And if you think O’Rourke’s understanding of the actual Wealth of Nations is … Continue reading “P.J. O’Rourke’s Progress”

Could Ground-Zero Mosque’s Backers Be Worse Than AIPAC’s?

Former American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) staffer M.J. Rosenberg told the Israel lobby to “pull the plug” on activities fanning the “anti-Muslim explosion that has seized this country over the past month.” The former insider charges organizations such as AIPAC, the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish Committee, and assorted neocon outfits with having “set … Continue reading “Could Ground-Zero Mosque’s Backers Be Worse Than AIPAC’s?”

Sunday: 7 Iraqis Killed, 18 Wounded

Although the country is expecting an increase in violence this week, so far it has been relatively quiet. Today, at least seven Iraqis were killed and 18 more were wounded in light violence. Other news from Iraq dealt with formation of the new government, the aftermath of the drawdown and the huge waste of resources on the part of the United States.

Saturday: 8 Iraqis Killed, 3 Wounded

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki put the country on high alert ahead of the formal end of U.S. combat operations on Tuesday. Still, at least eight Iraqis were killed and three more were wounded in light violence today. Also, a U.S. servicemember was wounded while protecting the reconstruction team in Amara, while another U.S. soldier was injured in a blast in Basra.