Do You Have to Be Jewish to Report on Israel for NYT?

A recent assignment of mine covering Israel’s presumed links to the assassination of Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Mabhouh provoked some more thoughts about the New York Times reporter Ethan Bronner. He is the Jerusalem bureau chief who has been at the center of a controversy since it was revealed last month that his son is serving … Continue reading “Do You Have to Be Jewish to Report on Israel for NYT?”

Another Bureaucratic Paperweight

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has published its first Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR) [.pdf]. The QHSR – patterned after the Department of Defense’s Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) – was mandated by Congress and directed the secretary of DHS to conduct "a comprehensive examination of the homeland security strategy of the nation, including recommendations … Continue reading “Another Bureaucratic Paperweight”

Guantánamo Deaths Deserve a Closer Look

Did three detainees at Guantánamo die of suicide or homicide? According to the Pentagon, three Guantánamo prisoners hung themselves in their individual cells on the night of June 9, 2006, in order to commit an act of "asymmetrical warfare." But that official account is riddled with gaping holes and is challenged by an alternative explanation … Continue reading “Guantánamo Deaths Deserve a Closer Look”

Thursday: 6 Iraqis Killed, 5 Wounded

Updated at 8:29 p.m. EST, Feb. 25, 2010 At least six Iraqis were killed and five more were wounded in the latest violence. A blast in Fallujah could increase those figures as details about the bombing emerge later. Meanwhile, a leading Sunni party has decided to participate in next month’s elections despite the barring of one of its most popular members.

Swat Residents Try to Make Life as Normal as Possible 

PESHAWAR, Pakistan – Amid news of the Pakistani government’s arrest of another Taliban leader and a suicide attack in the volatile Swat district this month, residents here are bent on making the most out of a life that has been returning to as close to normal as possible. Since the Pakistani military reclaimed control of … Continue reading “Swat Residents Try to Make Life as Normal as Possible “

Wednesday: 1 Iraqi Killed, 5 Wounded

Violence was light today, but several stories that are all possibly election related made the headlines. The most important ones are the creation of a new Ba’athist blacklist, attacks against Christians, and the strange story about 67 unidentified bodies that a candidate told at a press conference. Unless those 67 corpses turn up, only one Iraqi was killed today and five more were wounded.