New Defense Strategy Envisions Multiple Conflicts

A report [.pdf] and budget request from the U.S. Defense Department released Monday reveal both new and old priorities for President Barack Obama’s Pentagon. Strategically, the military recognizes new, non-traditional threats ranging from failed states to cyber-warfare to climate change. But there is little change in the military spending habits of the Obama Pentagon versus … Continue reading “New Defense Strategy Envisions Multiple Conflicts”

Will Iraq’s Oil Ever Flow?

Americans have largely stopped thinking about Iraq, even though we still have approximately 110,000 troops there, as well as the largest "embassy" on the planet (and still growing). We’ve generally chalked up our war in Iraq to the failed past, and some Americans, after the surge of 2007, even think of it as, if not … Continue reading “Will Iraq’s Oil Ever Flow?”

The US Can No Longer Afford Its Empire

President Obama has presented Congress with a spending request of $3.8 trillion for the next fiscal year in 2011, but with a third of it not paid for with taxes, thus resulting in a $1.3 trillion deficit (a whopping 8.3 percent of GDP). The small piece of good news is that this deficit is smaller … Continue reading “The US Can No Longer Afford Its Empire”

Arab Politicians Face Tide of ‘Persecution’ in Israel

Leaders of the Arab minority in Israel warned this week that they were facing an unprecedented campaign of persecution, backed by the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu, designed to stop their political activities. The warning came after Said Nafaa, a Druze member of the Israeli parliament, was stripped of his immunity last week, clearing the … Continue reading “Arab Politicians Face Tide of ‘Persecution’ in Israel”

Allegations of Fraud Scheme at Kuwaiti Pentagon Contractor

The Sultan family of Kuwait runs a variety of businesses alleged to be at the heart of a scheme to overcharge the U.S. military by as much as a billion dollars over the last seven years. The company is currently scheduled to face criminal arraignment on Feb. 8 in Atlanta, Ga. Federal criminal investigators say … Continue reading “Allegations of Fraud Scheme at Kuwaiti Pentagon Contractor”

Neat, Painless, Perpetual War

"It is well that war is so terrible; we should grow too fond of it!" – Gen. Robert E. Lee In the Star Trek episode "A Taste of Armageddon," Capt. James T. Kirk and crew beam down to planet Eminiar VII against the wishes of its government to find what appears to be a peaceful, … Continue reading “Neat, Painless, Perpetual War”

Who Was That Well-Dressed Man?

The Christmas Day bombing attempt by Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab quickly became a another tiresome political issue in the United States, yet another opportunity for the Republicans to bash the President. Why, they ask, is he being charged in a court of law, instead of being locked up in a secret prison and treated like an … Continue reading “Who Was That Well-Dressed Man?”

Don’t Call It a ‘Defense’ Budget

This isn’t "defense." The new budget from the White House will push U.S. military spending well above $2 billion a day. Foreclosing the future of our country should not be confused with defending it. "Unless miraculous growth, or miraculous political compromises, creates some unforeseen change over the next decade, there is virtually no room for … Continue reading “Don’t Call It a ‘Defense’ Budget”

Iran and US Moving in Circles?

The recent expansion of U.S. missile defense systems in the Persian Gulf just days after President Barack Obama warned Iran of "growing consequences" if it did not accept the West’s conditions over its nuclear program signals a possible change of approach by Washington even as uncertainty still prevails how it will deal with Iran eventually. … Continue reading “Iran and US Moving in Circles?”

Taiwan Arms Sale Heats Up Simmering Row

Trade relations between the U.S. and China appear to be hitting a rough patch, with China publicly threatening to impose sanctions on U.S. companies participating in the arms sales to Taiwan, leading some observers to express concern over the growing war of words between Washington and Beijing. While China’s opposition to the U.S. military’s support … Continue reading “Taiwan Arms Sale Heats Up Simmering Row”