Israel First or America First

Donald Trump has a new best friend. "President-elect Trump, thank you for your warm friendship and your clear-cut support of Israel," gushed Bibi Netanyahu, after he berated John Kerry in a fashion that would once have resulted in a rupture of diplomatic relations. Netanyahu accused Kerry of "colluding" in and "orchestrating" an anti-Israel, stab-in-the-back resolution … Continue reading “Israel First or America First”

No More Holiday Gifts for Repressive Regimes

While the world has been transfixed on the epic tragedy in Syria, another tragedy – a hidden one – has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every 10 minutes a child in Yemen dies from malnutrition, diarrhea, or respiratory-tract infections, UNICEF reports. And without immediate medical … Continue reading “No More Holiday Gifts for Repressive Regimes”

Palestine 2017: Time To Bid Farewell to Washington and Embrace the Globe

There is no doubt that the UN Security Council condemnation of Israel on Friday was an important and noteworthy event. True, the United Nations’ main chambers (the Security Council and the General Assembly) and its various institutions, ranging from the International Court of Justice to the UN cultural agency, UNESCO, have repeatedly condemned the Israeli … Continue reading “Palestine 2017: Time To Bid Farewell to Washington and Embrace the Globe”

Obama’s Christmas Gift to Trump: A Ministry of Truth

On the Friday before Christmas – the kind of time politicians pick to do things they hope you won’t notice – US president Barack Obama signed the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act. Along with the usual terrible, horrible, very bad, no good NDAA stuff (all the little mandates involved in continuing to operate the most … Continue reading “Obama’s Christmas Gift to Trump: A Ministry of Truth”

Do You Suffer From Trump Derangement Syndrome?

Editor’s Note: Justin Raimondo is still under the weather and will return next week. For now, please enjoy Justin’s op-ed in the Los Angeles Times: Do You Suffer From Trump Derangement Syndrome? The country is in the throes of a major epidemic, with no known cure and some pretty scary symptoms. It’s called Trump Derangement … Continue reading “Do You Suffer From Trump Derangement Syndrome?”

Behind the Real US Strategic Blunder in Syria

President Barack Obama has long been under fire from the US national security elite and the media for failing to intervene aggressively against the Assad regime.  But the real strategic blunder was not that Barack Obama didn’t launch yet another war in Syria, but that he decided to go along with the ambitions of America’s … Continue reading “Behind the Real US Strategic Blunder in Syria”