January closed out with 293 deaths and 289 wounded. Most of the casualties were among the Islamic State militants. That brought the monthly totals to 6,106 dead and 1,953 wounded.
The Greek parliamentary election of January 25 was won by the "Coalition of the Radical Left," better known by the acronym SYRIZA (Synaspismós Rizospastikís Aristerás). It was not an altogether unexpected development, as both the mainstream Greek parties had lost the faith of the electorate by slavishly following the dictates of Brussels and Berlin to …
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American Sniper, the latest blockbuster by director Clinton Eastwood about Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, is having a major moment. Articles about the film’s big opening weekend, its star and co-producer Bradley Cooper, and its six Academy Award nominations fill mainstream, alternative, and social media alike. Controversies involving Michael Moore’s and Seth Rogen’s critical comments, …
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In late January, the US military-industrial complex reported results for 2014’s fourth quarter and expectations for 2015. Good times! Northrop Grumman knocked down nearly $6 billion in Q4 2014 and expects 2015 sales of around $23.5 billion. Raytheon did about as well last fall and expects a big radar order from the Air Force this …
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At least 197 people were killed and 41 were wounded.
Several attacks targeting Kurdish forces took place in northern and eastern Iraq. The attacks underscore the successes Kurdish forces have had, but those successes are in danger due to infighting between the different factions fighting against Islamic State militants.
Sheikh Ahmed Abu Risha was in Washington to ask for help in arming Sunni tribesmen. That help would not only assist in defeating the ISIS/DAASH militants but also protect Sunnis who are at the mercy of well-armed Shi’ite militiamen, as well as the militants themselves.
Sneaking around behind the President’s back to invite a foreign leader to address Congress – specifically for the purpose of undermining how the chief executive conducts US foreign policy – would normally be regarded by patriotic conservatives with unmitigated horror. Imagine, for example, if a Democratic Congress had invited Daniel Ortega to address the assembled …
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The reaction to the Clint Eastwood film, American Sniper, may, in the long run, be more consequential than the film itself. Immediately after the film received a wide release in the US, praise began pouring in, with Chris Kyle being anointed a hero defending the freedoms of America. Amid the praise, two tweets stood out …
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The negotiations between Iran and P5+1 group – the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council plus Germany – over limiting Iran’s nuclear program have continued, and have been making progress. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif have met in Europe several times over the past two …
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A series of blasts and an attack took place in the Greater Baghdad region. Across the country, at least 183 were killed and 85 more were wounded. Most of the dead were militants.
Pentagon officials confirmed last week that US troops will deploy to Ukraine in the spring to help build the Ukrainian National Guard. In addition to sending US troops, Washington has already sent heavy military equipment and has earmarked $19 million for Ukrainian forces. In its announcement, the Pentagon failed to mention that the Ukrainian National …
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