Bloody Weekend: 200 Iraqis, 12 GIs Killed; 164 Iraqis, 7 GIs Injured

Updated at 6:25 p.m. EDT, Oct. 23, 2006 Six American servicemembers were killed on Sunday and another six died on Saturday. Also, a civilian contractor was killed and four U.S. soldiers were injured when a roadside bomb blasted their vehicle as it was traveling outside Baghdad. Another three GIs were wounded in the Salahuddin Province. … Continue reading “Bloody Weekend: 200 Iraqis, 12 GIs Killed; 164 Iraqis, 7 GIs Injured”

Saturday: 82 Iraqis Killed, 102 Wounded; Three Marines Killed

Updated at 11:13 a.m. EDT, Oct. 22, 2006 Three Marines were killed during operations in Anbar Province today; the Military reported they died "from enemy action." A soldier from El Salvador was killed and four others injured when they were blasted by a roadside bomb. Also, 82 Iraqis have been killed and 102 have suffered … Continue reading “Saturday: 82 Iraqis Killed, 102 Wounded; Three Marines Killed”

Friday: 52 Iraqis Killed, 120 Injured; 1 U.S. Soldier Killed

Updated at 9:55 p.m. EDT, Oct. 20, 2006 As hostilities between the Mahdi Army and local police in the Maysan Province grew in intensity, today’s number of reported casualties in Iraq climbed to 52 dead and 120 injured. Also, a U.S. soldier was killed early this morning when his vehicle was struck by an explosive … Continue reading “Friday: 52 Iraqis Killed, 120 Injured; 1 U.S. Soldier Killed”

Thursday: 120 Iraqis Killed, 179 Wounded; 3 GIs Dead, 1 Marine Killed

Updated 11:15 p.m. EDT, Oct. 19, 2006 Today, at least 120 Iraqis were killed and 179 more were wounded in ongoing violence. Three American soldiers were reported killed, one Marine died, and three more soldiers were injured. A Marine died “from enemy action” in Anbar Province today. The U.S. military also reported that an American … Continue reading “Thursday: 120 Iraqis Killed, 179 Wounded; 3 GIs Dead, 1 Marine Killed”

Wednesday: 78 Iraqis Killed, 46 Injured

Updated at 12:40 p.m. EDT, Oct. 19, 2006 In a relatively quiet day for Iraqi citizens, 78 Iraqis are known dead and another 44 have suffered injuries due to ongoing violence in the country. The U.S. military announced that one American soldier died today and 10 American servicemen were killed on Tuesday. Also, the death … Continue reading “Wednesday: 78 Iraqis Killed, 46 Injured”

Tuesday: 77 Killed, 49 Injured Across Iraq

Updated at 11:55 p.m. EDT, Oct. 17, 2006 In today’s developments, at least 77 Iraqis have died and 49 more were injured. The Department of Defense today announced the death of an American soldier in Iraq; he died of non-combat related injuries on Saturday. According to a news report also released today, the family of … Continue reading “Tuesday: 77 Killed, 49 Injured Across Iraq”

Monday: Attacks Kill 160 Iraqis; 15 US Troops Die in Three Days

Updated at 11:20 p.m. EDT, Oct. 16, 2006 Five more American servicemen were killed and two others injured in Iraq over the weekend. Also, an American GI, who had been injured in Iraq, died at a hospital in the U.S. Details about the death of third soldier on Friday were also released. This brings the … Continue reading “Monday: Attacks Kill 160 Iraqis; 15 US Troops Die in Three Days”

Sunday Violence Leaves 94 Iraqis Dead; 8 US Troops Dead in Weekend Attacks

Updated at 7:20 p.m. EDT, Oct. 15, 2006 In today’s news from Iraq, at least 94 Iraqis died or were reported dead. Another 89 were injured in violent acts throughout the country. Also, two Marines died today in Anbar Province, three American soldiers died yesterday near Baghdad, and a Multi-National Division soldier reportedly died Friday … Continue reading “Sunday Violence Leaves 94 Iraqis Dead; 8 US Troops Dead in Weekend Attacks”

Saturday Attacks Leave 123 Iraqis, US Airman, US Marine Dead

Updated at 6:00 p.m. EDT, Oct. 14, 2006 The violence in Iraq continued late Friday and into Saturday. At least 125 were reported killed and another 19 injured. According to the U.S. military, among the wounded is a soldier who was seriously injured on Tuesday when a grenade was hurled at his Humvee. Also, one … Continue reading “Saturday Attacks Leave 123 Iraqis, US Airman, US Marine Dead”

Friday Attacks Leave 112 Iraqis, 1 GI, 2 British Contractors Dead

Updated 11:00 p.m. EDT, Oct. 13, 2006 At least 115 people have died and 39 others were wounded during continuing violence in Iraq. Among the dead are two British contractors, the head of a special operations unit, and a religious leader. Among the injured are 12 American soldiers who were fighting in Mosul. Another soldier … Continue reading “Friday Attacks Leave 112 Iraqis, 1 GI, 2 British Contractors Dead”