Thursday: 14 Iraqis Killed, 17 Wounded

About two million Shi’ite pilgrims are in Karbala for the climax of Ashuraa rituals. Heavy security, including the arrests of three female bombers, has so far prevented any large-scale violence today, but attackers targeting pilgrims in other parts of the country were more successful. At least 14 Iraqis were killed and 17 more were wounded.

Sunday: 60 Iraqis Killed, 71 Wounded

Updated at 9:50 p.m. EDT, July, 18, 2010 At least 60 Iraqis were killed and 71 more were wounded in attacks that mostly targeted Awakening Council members. Also, former deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz, who was handed over to Iraqi custody last week, has been hit with new criminal charges.

Monday: 21 Iraqis Killed, 72 Wounded

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, says al-Qaeda’s power base in Iraq has been squeezed by a lack of funds and a power vacuum at the top. Despite al-Qaeda weakening, attacks continue to vex Iraq. At least 21 Iraqis were killed and 72 more were wounded in new violence. Also, Iraq lodged complaints with Iran over reports that Iranian troops have crossed the border and started to erect a new fort as part of their operations against Kurdish rebels.