Thursday: 24 Iraqis Killed, 40 Wounded

Updated at 7:31 p.m. EST, Feb. 24, 2011 At least 24 Iraqis were killed and 40 more were wounded today. The worst attack occurred during festivities in Ramadi. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki attempted to dissuade protesters from attending mass rallies tomorrow, and a shoe-throwing journalist is back in Iraq and back in the news.

Wednesday: 15 Iraqis Killed, 64 Wounded

Updated at 5:35 p.m. EDT, Oct. 14, 2009 At least 15 Iraqis were killed and 64 more were wounded in attacks that included bombings in the holy city of Karbala. Meanwhile, the government has released its first official death toll and approved a draft budget.

Monday: 4 Iraqis Killed, 2 Wounded

At least four Iraqis were killed and two more were wounded in light Eid al-Fitr holiday violence. Meanwhile, Muntadhar al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist who threw his shoes at then-U.S. President George Bush last year, has requested Swiss asylum. Also, a public inquiry in Britain has learned that British troops repeatedly abused Iraqi detainees.

Tuesday: 4 Iraqis Killed, 13 Wounded

Updated at 6:20 p.m. EDT, Sept. 15, 2009 U.S. Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Baghdad on an unannounced trip. Meanwhile, Iraqi and Syrian officials will meet in Ankara to discuss allegations that recent bombings in Baghdad were orchestrated from Syria. Elsewhere, Military police are investing an allegation that British soldiers raped and maimed an Iraqi man in Basra six years ago. Also, Muntadhar al-Zeidi has been released from jail. At least four Iraqis were killed and 13 more were wounded in light violence.

Saturday: 22 Iraqis Killed, 65 Wounded

Updated at 8:44 p.m. EDT, Aug. 29, 2009 At least 22 Iraqis were killed and 65 more were wounded in the latest violence, which targeted small northern Iraqi villages. Meanwhile, a journalist known as the man who threw shoes at Prime Minister Maliki and former U.S. President George Bush earned early release from jail next month on good behavior.