Wednesday: 23 Iraqis Killed, 67 Wounded

Updated at 11:53 p.m. EST, Dec. 23, 2009 Attacks targeting Christians and Shi’ites left dozens dead or wounded in the days leading to important holidays for both groups. Christmas occurs on Friday, while Ashura begins at sunset on Saturday. At least 23 Iraqis were killed and 67 more were wounded across the country in these … Continue reading “Wednesday: 23 Iraqis Killed, 67 Wounded”

Tuesday: 3 Iraqis Killed, 13 Wounded

At least three Iraqis were killed and 13 more were wounded in light violence. Iran maintained a dominant place in Iraqi headlines by offering a conciliatory explanation of its recent incursion into Iraqi territory and speaking on the fate of three American hikers who traveled in the opposite direction. An Iranian spokesman said that recent … Continue reading “Tuesday: 3 Iraqis Killed, 13 Wounded”