Sunday: 3 Iraqis Killed, 11 Wounded

An armed group that claims to have kidnapped an American contractor in January may be holding a second American citizen. Also, an Iraqi appeals court has reversed its own decision allowing over 500 people on an election blacklist to run in March elections. While attacks were light today, at least three Iraqis were killed and eleven more were wounded in new violence.

Sunday: 164 Iraqis Killed; Over 700 Iraqis, 3 US Contractors Wounded

Updated at 5:25 p.m. EDT, Oct. 25, 2009 A pair of devastating explosions targeting government buildings in Baghdad left 147 dead and 718 wounded just hours before the Iraqi government would again try to solve an elections law impasse. Three U.S. contractors were also wounded. The death toll eclipses that of “Bloody Wednesday” which left over 100 dead two months ago. Only two other Iraqis were reported killed elsewhere.