Corruption and the Citizen, American-Style

I have long nurtured this thoroughly depressing conviction that the United States, far from being a shining city on the hill, has become one of the most corrupt of nations. Why does America have more lawyers than the rest of the world combined? It is because the corruption has been institutionalized at every level of … Continue reading “Corruption and the Citizen, American-Style”

Between Libya and the Deep Blue Sea

RAS AJDIR, Tunisia — NATO’s five-month bombing campaign in Libya, run under the guise of protecting civilians, is also killing victims fleeing the conflict, directly and indirectly. Since the start of Libya’s Arab Spring and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) air campaign against Muammar Gadhafi’s regime, more than 1,800 men, women, and children have … Continue reading “Between Libya and the Deep Blue Sea”

UN Asked to Probe CIA Rendition

Human rights groups are asking United Nations officials to investigate the case of an Italian citizen and victim of the "extraordinary rendition" program of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency who is currently being held in a Moroccan prison based on a confession coerced from him through torture. The American Civil Liberties Union and the Geneva-based … Continue reading “UN Asked to Probe CIA Rendition”