Rendition Unto Caesar

The spectacle of an American secretary of state being sent to Europe to reassure America’s allies that the U.S. does not torture prisoners has brought an end to America’s moral grandeur. America stands revealed before the world as just another unaccountable police state. Condi Rice’s declaration that the Bush administration is too morally pure to … Continue reading “Rendition Unto Caesar”

Condi to Europe: ‘Trust Me’

Secretary of State Condi Rice is off to Europe to neither confirm nor to deny that the U.S. government in an operation known as rendition kidnaps people, often the wrong ones, and flies them to foreign countries to be tortured. "Trust me" is her line. According to Reuters, "Irish Foreign Minister Dermot Ahern said Rice … Continue reading “Condi to Europe: ‘Trust Me’”

The Grave Threat Is the Bush Administration

According to news reports, at a U.S. Naval Academy speech on Wednesday, President Bush will announce plans for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. It will be diverting to watch the propagandists at Fox "News" flip-flop with the White House line and explain that now is the time to cut and run after all. A month … Continue reading “The Grave Threat Is the Bush Administration”

We Must Hold the Scoundrels Accountable

The BBC reports that two former British government employees have been charged with violating the Official Secrets Act. The Official Secrets Act is useful for protecting the British government from accountability. Anyone who reveals wrongdoing by government officials can be charged under the act. The two men are charged with leaking a harmless memo, "Iraq … Continue reading “We Must Hold the Scoundrels Accountable”

Power Über Alles

Perfidy loves company. George W. Bush instructed his British puppet, Prime Minister Tony Blair, to get moving on the detention issue so that he, Bush, would have company when he attacked the Constitution’s guarantee of habeas corpus. Habeas corpus prevents authorities from detaining a person indefinitely without charges; the guarantee of habeas corpus ensures that … Continue reading “Power Über Alles”

What Libby’s Indictment Means for the Jacobins

Lewis "Scooter" Libby, chief of staff to Vice President Richard B. Cheney and assistant to the president, has been indicted for a cover-up.   As U.S. attorney Patrick Fitzgerald made clear at the Oct. 28 press conference announcing Libby’s indictment, he believes Libby "went before a federal grand jury and lied under oath repeatedly and … Continue reading “What Libby’s Indictment Means for the Jacobins”

Who Are We to Pick Syria’s President?

Someone should tell Condi Rice that the game is up. With the Bush administration dissolving in illegalities committed by key officials in their attempts to protect the lies that they used to justify the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the secretary of state is trying to ramp up war against Syria. Grasping a UN report that … Continue reading “Who Are We to Pick Syria’s President?”

How Long Can This Go On?

George W. Bush is a natural born liar. He lied us into a war, and now he is lying to keep us there. In his Oct. 6 self-congratulatory speech at that neoconservative shrine the National Endowment for Democracy, the president of the United States said: "Today there are more than 80 Iraqi army battalions fighting … Continue reading “How Long Can This Go On?”

The Police State Is Closer Than You Think

Police states are easier to acquire than Americans appreciate. The hysterical aftermath of September 11 has put into place the main components of a police state. Habeas corpus is the greatest protection Americans have against a police state. Habeas corpus ensures that Americans can only be detained by law. They must be charged with offenses, … Continue reading “The Police State Is Closer Than You Think”

The Triumph of Ideology Over Reality

Not content with the terrorist-breeding instability he caused by invading Iraq, President Bush is plotting with Israel to repeat the disaster in Syria. The diplomatic editor of the London Telegraph reports (Oct. 5) that the U.S. is aiming at Syrian "regime change." The British newspaper quotes Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz as saying that a … Continue reading “The Triumph of Ideology Over Reality”