Israeli Electorate Rebukes Bush

Israeli elections this week swept the right-wing Likud Party from power and installed a center-left government committed to peaceful coexistence with Palestine. Ehud Olmert, the leader of the new Israeli government, told the new Palestinian government that "we are ready to compromise and evacuate, under great pain, Jews living there [the West Bank of Palestine] … Continue reading “Israeli Electorate Rebukes Bush”

Bush Is No Conservative

President Bush passes himself off as a conservative Republican and a born-again Christian. These are disguises behind which Bush hides. Would a Christian invade another country on false pretenses, kill tens of thousands of innocent civilians, and show no remorse or inclination to cease the aggression? Longtime Republican policy wonk Bruce Bartlett recently published a … Continue reading “Bush Is No Conservative”

What’s Become of Americans?

Imagine knocking on America’s door and being told, “Americans don’t live here any longer. They have gone away.” But isn’t that what we are hearing, that Americans have gone away? Alan Shore told us so on ABC’s Boston Legal on March 14: “When the weapons of mass destruction thing turned out not to be true, … Continue reading “What’s Become of Americans?”

Bush Proves His Harshest Critics Right

On March 17, William Rivers Pitt wrote that Bush is “deranged, disconnected, and dangerous.” In his March 20 Cleveland speech, Bush proved Pitt right. Bush gave a delusional speech that shows he is detached from reality. “We’re going to help the Iraqis build a strong democracy that will be an inspiration throughout the Middle East, … Continue reading “Bush Proves His Harshest Critics Right”

A Collapsing Presidency

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center finds that President Bush’s support among the American people has fallen to 33 percent. Even more devastatingly, the survey finds that people’s most frequently used one-word description of President Bush is “incompetent.” The chief chaplain for the New York City Corrections Department told a Tucson audience … Continue reading “A Collapsing Presidency”

Is Another 9/11 in the Works?

If you were President George W. Bush with all available US troops tied down by the Iraqi resistance, and you were unable to control Iraq or political developments in the country, would you also start a war with Iran? Yes, you would. Bush’s determination to spread Middle East conflict by striking at Iran does not … Continue reading “Is Another 9/11 in the Works?”

Why Did Bush Destroy Iraq?

March 20 is the third anniversary of the Bush regime’s invasion of Iraq. U.S. military casualties to date are approximately 20,000 killed, wounded, maimed, and disabled. Iraqi civilian casualties number in the tens of thousands. Iraq’s infrastructure is in ruins. Tens of thousands of homes have been destroyed. Fallujah, a city of 300,000 people, had … Continue reading “Why Did Bush Destroy Iraq?”

Was Serbia a Practice Run for Iraq?

On March 11, the former Serbian leader and president of Yugoslavia, Slobodan Milosevic, died in his prison cell at The Hague, where he had been on trial for four years and one month for war crimes and genocide. The Serbian Socialist Party leader Zoran Andjelkovic responded to the news of Milosevic’s death with the following … Continue reading “Was Serbia a Practice Run for Iraq?”

Lest We Forget

Fifty years ago today, Nikita Khrushchev gave his Secret Speech to the Closed Session of the Twentieth Party Congress in which he denounced Joseph Stalin. At that time, Khrushchev, the general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, held the most powerful political office in the world. The power that Stalin had accumulated … Continue reading “Lest We Forget”

Conservatives Endorse the Fuhrer Principle

Last week’s annual Conservative Political Action Conference signaled the transformation of American conservatism into brownshirtism. A former Justice Department official named Viet Dinh got a standing ovation when he told the CPAC audience that the rule of law mustn’t get in the way of President Bush protecting Americans from Osama bin Laden. Former Republican congressman … Continue reading “Conservatives Endorse the Fuhrer Principle”