Smearing Alex Cockburn

At the end of every edition of The McLaughlin Group, the panelists are called upon to make their predictions. On a recent broadcast of the show, Pat Buchanan looked into his crystal ball and saw the following: "A huge Israeli spy ring using alleged art students was broken up last year. The story will surface."Well, … Continue reading “Smearing Alex Cockburn”

Meeting Robert Fisk

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I learned that I had the opportunity to meet with Robert Fisk, the British journalist, who was in Southern California last Friday for a speaking engagement at Chapman University in Orange. Of course, I knew his work, in part because features it regularly and the Register used … Continue reading “Meeting Robert Fisk”

The Founding Fathers Were Right About Foreign Affairs

Last week I appeared on a national television news show to discuss recent events in the Middle East. During the show I merely suggested that there are two sides to the dispute, and that the focus of American foreign policy should be the best interests of America – not Palestine or Israel. I argued that … Continue reading “The Founding Fathers Were Right About Foreign Affairs”

Straws In the Wind

Completely by accident I found myself at my first anti-war demonstration on Saturday. I was walking up from St James’s Park towards the West End, specifically Soho, when I heard, as I passed Horseguards Parade, the fairly familiar sound of a rally taking place in Trafalgar Square. So, being curious (and always interested to know … Continue reading “Straws In the Wind”

Beware the Red Heifer

While the American secretary of state shuttles back and forth between Yasser Arafat and Ariel Sharon, trying desperately to cobble together a) a ceasefire, and b) some basis for a settlement of the world’s most tiresome perpetual crisis, it behooves us to examine the issue of … the red heifer. Say what? You heard me, … Continue reading “Beware the Red Heifer”

Liberventionism Rides Again

A while back I coined the word "liberventionism" as shorthand for "libertarian interventionism." I take the latter to be something of a contradictio in adjecto. Nevertheless, there are those who claim to be, and have been seen as, libertarians, who throw themselves into the breach to support this or that initiative of the U. S. … Continue reading “Liberventionism Rides Again”

A Solution for the Middle East

George Bush wants Ariel Sharon to stop doing what George Bush has been doing for the past six months – using force to crush his enemies. Doesn’t Bush realize that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? His petulance at Sharon for not following Bush’s orders indicates that Mr. Bush now believes he’s President of … Continue reading “A Solution for the Middle East”

America’s Entangling Alliances in the Middle East

We were warned, and in the early years of our Republic, we heeded that warning. Today, though, we are entangled in everyone’s affairs throughout the world, and we are less safe as a result. The current Middle-East crisis is one that we helped create, and it is typical of how foreign intervention fails to serve … Continue reading “America’s Entangling Alliances in the Middle East”

Israel – A Suicide Bomber?

Palestinian suicide attacks have been singled out, overemphasised and isolated from their context in Israel’s 35-year occupation of the Palestinian territories, the proper infrastructure of Palestinian terrorism. Professional demonisers like Thomas Friedman work hard to persuade us of suicidal lies like the one claiming suicide bombers are “a whole new form of warfare” unique to … Continue reading “Israel – A Suicide Bomber?”

American Likudniks

The Israelis were bound to turn against America, sooner or later: and now that George W. Bush is standing up to Ariel Sharon, and demanding he stop the massacre in the West Bank, their bile is fully unleashed. As members of an Israeli tank brigade go on the offensive against Palestinian teenagers, women, and defenseless … Continue reading “American Likudniks”