Saddam-Era Censorship Back Again

International media watchdogs say Iraq’s U.S.-installed interim government is seriously undermining the prospects for press freedom in the war-torn country. Citing both the shutdown of al-Jazeera‘s Baghdad office last weekend and a series of recent policies enacted by Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, critics fear that Iraq’s media environment is in danger of becoming as stifling … Continue reading “Saddam-Era Censorship Back Again”

Police State USA

Last week’s announcement that the terrorist threat warning level has been raised in parts of New York, New Jersey, and Washington, D.C., has led to dramatic and unprecedented restrictions on the movements of citizens. Americans wishing to visit the U.S. Capitol must, for example, pass through several checkpoints and submit to police inspection of their … Continue reading “Police State USA”

Indonesian Court Dismissals Threaten Tighter US Ties

The Bush administration could be forced to slow plans to resume relations with the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) after a Jakarta appeals court Saturday dismissed all pending cases against Indonesians indicted for crimes against humanity committed in East Timor five years ago. The judicial action is also likely to fuel demands by human rights groups … Continue reading “Indonesian Court Dismissals Threaten Tighter US Ties”

Not Scared Yet? Try Connecting These Dots

"Pre-election period … pre-election plot … pre-election threats": these rolled off National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice’s lips no less than seven times Sunday on CNN’s Late Edition as she discussed the likely timing of a terrorist attack. She stayed on message. Dr. Rice said the government had actually "picked up discussion" relating to "trying to … Continue reading “Not Scared Yet? Try Connecting These Dots”

Democratic Party Platform Turns Toward the War Party

Against the backdrop of ongoing death and destruction in Iraq as a result of the U.S. invasion and subsequent occupation, the Democratic Party formally adopted their 2004 platform on July 28 at their convention in Boston. The platform focused more on foreign policy than it had in recent years. It represented an opportunity to challenge … Continue reading “Democratic Party Platform Turns Toward the War Party”

Who ‘Outed’ Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan?

As the President of the United States and his reelection campaign invoked the specter of another terrorist attack on American soil – implicitly warning against the dangers of switching horses in midstream– other members of his administration were undermining the war on terrorism by naming a double agent working inside Al Qaeda to the New … Continue reading “Who ‘Outed’ Mohammad Naeem Noor Khan?”

Bush Outing of Khan and the Faustian Bargain

David Johnston of the New York Times tried to get further details of the Bush administration outing of Pakistani double agent Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan. But he was stonewalled when he called his Bush administration contacts: “American officials contacted on Saturday would not confirm that Mr. Khan was a mole or double agent and said … Continue reading “Bush Outing of Khan and the Faustian Bargain”