All the Very Serious People are tweeting and retweeting this “iconic” photo of Trump surrounded by the Euro-weenies, with Angela Merkel seeming to lecture the President while the rest of our faithless “allies” look on. It’s “America Alone” – the visual representation of the internationalist worldview: Trump’s policy of “America First” is “isolating” us, and, according to clueless leftists like Michael Moore, Merkel is now the “leader” of the “free world.”
This last is good news indeed, for if Merkel is the new leader of the “free world” then the stationing of 35,000 US troops in Germany – at a cost of billions annually – is no longer required and we can bring them home. This also means Germany, rather than the US, will be sending troops all over the world to fight “terrorism” – a move that is sure to cause consternation in certain regions with a history of German intervention, but hey, somebody has to do it!
The political class is screaming bloody murder over Trump’s performance at the G-7 meeting in Canada, where he reportedly spent most of the time detailing how much the US was paying for the defense of our vaunted “allies,” not to mention the high tariffs imposed on American goods. He then proposed a “free trade zone” in which member countries would drop all tariffs, subsidies, and other barriers to trade: the “allies” didn’t like that much, either. Nor did the alleged advocates of free trade here in the US give him any credit for ostensibly coming around to their point of view. Which reminds me of something Murray Rothbard said about this issue: “If authentic free trade ever looms on the policy horizon, there’ll be one sure way to tell. The government/media/big-business complex will oppose it tooth and nail.”
Of course the Euro-weenies don’t want real free trade: after all, they practically invented protectionism. What they want is a free ride, at Uncle Sam’s expense, and the reason they hate Trump is because they know the freebies are over. However, what really got the Usual Suspects frothing at the mouth was Trump’s insistence that Russia be readmitted to the G-8:
"I think it would be good for the world, I think it would be good for Russia, I think it would be good for the United States, I think it would be good for all of the countries in the G-7. I think having Russia back in would be a positive thing. We’re looking to have peace in the world. We’re not looking to play games."
The “experts” went crazy when he said this: our “allies” are being insulted, they wailed, while our “enemies” are being “appeased.” It’s sedition! Russia! Russia! Russia!
The cries of “treason” that accompany the pronouncements of prominent public figures associated with #TheResistance are a simple case of projection: they accuse Trump of what they are plainly guilty of. Our political class doesn’t even try to hide its brazen disloyalty: they openly and loudly side with any foreign mendicant – Canada, Germany, et al – that feels entitled to our largesse and is outraged when it isn’t forthcoming.
Part of this is due to the effects of advanced TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome – but the reality is that these people are not real Americans: they despise the idea of national sovereignty, which they consider an atavistic remnant of prehistoric times, and, if they live and work in Washington, D.C., chances are good that they directly or indirectly make their living by serving some foreign lobby or interest group. They’re a fifth column inside the US, working against the interests of ordinary Americans and on behalf of some abstract idea of the “world order” – which is usually a synonym for the interests of some gigantic multinational corporate entity.
Speaking of gigantic multinational corporate entities, trillionaire George Soros is very cranky these days: the Trump era just doesn’t agree with him! “Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong,” he whines. That’s good news for opponents of our globalist foreign policy – and bad news for the subsidized Washington policy wonks, the goody-two-shoes internationalists, and the wild-eyed warmongers who make up the foreign policy Establishment (a.k.a. the “Blob”).
Soros is the spirit of internationalism personified. He practically started the Kosovo war single-handedly: it was he who funded the interlocking network of propaganda-spewing outfits that agitated for intervention, and his international apparatus of thinktanks and NGOs is lobbying for US intervention today – from Macedonia to Myanmar – with a budget of billions.
Trump, says Soros, “is willing to destroy the world,” a common enough sentiment among the NeverTrump crowd that is increasingly counterintuitive. If this is true, then how do we account for the upcoming Korea summit? As I write this, both Trump and Korean leader Kim Jong-un have arrived in Singapore: if the President is intent on “destroying the world,” then what is this summit about?
The “pivot” to the Pacific that the Obama administration announced but never implemented is now being put in place by Trump, for better or for worse. Our European “allies” are the past: Asia is the future. Trump realizes this: the Euro-weenies don’t know that their day is over. Europe is a dusty old museum dreaming of past glories, while selling out its patrimony – the legacy of Western civilization – to the crude cultural egalitarianism of political correctness.
And who is a better symbol of that degeneration than Merkel, presiding over a country that has been self-emasculated both militarily and culturally? Let her take over leadership of the “free world so Germany can spend trillions policing the planet – although the appearance of German troops in certain regions is sure to provoke some unpleasant memories.
special note to my readers: I’m a bit exhausted this [Sunday] morning: after
writing a column I’m not in good shape to write a fundraising pitch, and yet ….
And yet I must, because Antiwar.com is that important. There just isn’t anything like it anywhere on the internet. We’ve been fighting the War Party – exposing their schemes, debunking their lies, ridiculing Lindsey Graham – since 1995 (!), but we can’t continue to do it without your help – your financial help. And today kicks off our matching funds: every dollar you give will be doubled!
Yes, I’m more than a little woozy this morning, what with the half-dozen pills I have to take and the effects of the anti-cancer medication that’s coursing through my veins, but hey – I’ll be able to rest in a few minutes. But not before I impress on my readers the importance of supporting the one web site exclusively devoted to changing our foreign policy of global intervention. Slowly but surely our ideas – the original conception of American foreign policy as envisioned by the Founders – are winning the debate. The people are with us: now we must translate that support into a new policy that rejects the pursuit of empire and puts America first.
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I’ve written a couple of books, which you might want to peruse. Here is the link for buying the second edition of my 1993 book, Reclaiming the American Right: The Lost Legacy of the Conservative Movement, with an Introduction by Prof. George W. Carey, a Foreword by Patrick J. Buchanan, and critical essays by Scott Richert and David Gordon (ISI Books, 2008).
You can buy An Enemy of the State: The Life of Murray N. Rothbard (Prometheus Books, 2000), my biography of the great libertarian thinker, here.