The Smash of Civilizations

Another successful landmark has been reached in our occupation of Iraq: The World Monuments Fund has just placed the country on its list of the Earth’s 100 most endangered sites. (“Widespread looting, military occupation, artillery fire, vandalism, and other acts of violence are devastating Iraq, long considered the cradle of human civilization.”) This is the … Continue reading “The Smash of Civilizations”

Chasing Zarqawi

Just in the last few days, according to USA Today, a “propaganda video purportedly made by al-Qaeda-linked terror suspect Abu Musab al-Zarqawi” has been released showing suicide attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq supposedly inspired by or ordered by him. Since George Bush first mentioned him in October 2002 in a speech in Cincinnati as … Continue reading “Chasing Zarqawi”

They Died for Their Country

“In this time of testing, our troops can know: The American people are behind you. Next week, our nation has an opportunity to make sure that support is felt by every soldier, sailor, airman, Coast Guardsman, and Marine at every outpost across the world. This Fourth of July, I ask you to find a way … Continue reading “They Died for Their Country”

Immoral Relativism

“At a breakfast meeting with reporters, Wolfowitz said he hasn’t read the [Downing Street] memos because he doesn’t want to be ‘distracted’ by ‘history’ from his new job as head of the world’s leading development bank. He returned this weekend from a tour of four African nations. “‘There’s a lot I could say about what … Continue reading “Immoral Relativism”

Withdrawal: Seize the Moment

Republican Congressman Walter B. Jones (famed for insisting that the Congressional cafeteria re-label French fries as “freedom fries” on its menu), a man who represents North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District, home to the Marine’s Camp LeJeune, voted enthusiastically for the Iraq war, but recently changed his mind. Last week, he became one of four congressional … Continue reading “Withdrawal: Seize the Moment”

Smoking Signposts to Nowhere

Imagine that the Pentagon Papers or the Watergate scandal had broken out all over the press – no, not in the New York Times or the Washington Post, but in newspapers in Australia or Canada. And that, facing their own terrible record of reportage, of years of being cowed by the Nixon administration, major American … Continue reading “Smoking Signposts to Nowhere”

The Actually Existing Occupation

[Note: I couldn’t resist interrupting my “Best of TomDispatch” series – there are still two to go – to bring you the latest Jonathan Schell “Letter from Ground Zero” columns from the upcoming issue of the Nation magazine, whose editors have been kind enough, as ever, to let me post it.] Welcome to Iraq… but … Continue reading “The Actually Existing Occupation”

The Scalping Party

It didn’t take long for the war crimes to begin – in Afghanistan, in Guantánamo, in Iraq. By November 2003, Mike Davis was writing about them for TomDispatch. And in introducing his piece, “The Scalping Party,” I suggested that the seeds of our future were well-planted and already beginning to sprout their monstrous crop. I … Continue reading “The Scalping Party”

The Scourge of Militarism: Rome and America

In September 2003, only four months after our president’s “Mission Accomplished” moment on the USS Abraham Lincoln, it was already evident to some of us that neocon dreams of establishing a robust Pax Americana on the planet were likely to be doomed in the sands of Iraq – but that, in the process, the American … Continue reading “The Scourge of Militarism: Rome and America”