American Interventionism and The Terrorist Threat

Editors Note: first published this guest column by Mr. Utley on August 16, 2001. On Tuesday morning, September 11, unknown persons attacked various targets in Manhattan and Washington, DC, in what many are already calling the most deadly terrorist (that is, non-state) attack in world history. We are republishing this piece in the hope … Continue reading “American Interventionism and The Terrorist Threat”

Cheating as a Way of Life

Four students and I were helping Professor Gan clean his backyard. We were probably the first group to do so in the last 50 years. All day we threw old, rotten wood and ancient bricks into a dumpster and smoked cigarettes to regain strength whenever we could. Midway through the sweltering day one of the … Continue reading “Cheating as a Way of Life”


Saturday is “National Day” in Macedonia, the tenth anniversary of its founding – just in time to mark the dissolution of that beleaguered nation. NATO’s latest conquest is putting up as much resistance as it can muster, but, at this late date, that doesn’t seem to be enough. In a bitter, almost heartbreaking speech to … Continue reading “STANDING UP FOR MACEDONIA”

War on X … When the Metaphor Becomes Too Real

Beyond the day-to-day news out of Palestine or Macedonia, Sudan or Indonesia, a question keeps nagging at some of us. Why is it that politicians, and particularly American politicians, seem so compliant and lackadaisical about the ramifications of endorsing war as a means of doing business? Never mind whether sending somebody else’s children to be … Continue reading “War on X … When the Metaphor Becomes Too Real”


Author’s note: This is a transcript of a talk I gave at the recent Rockford Institute conference on “The American Midwest.” It is relevant, here, as a lesson in how modern progressives (who have lost their ideological bearings to such an extent that they are now signing on the interventionist wars waged by neo-Wilsonian liberals) … Continue reading “WHEELER’S PROGRESS”

The Ideology of Occupation

In an excellent recent article, leading Palestinian intellectual Edward Said cites the "astounding result" of a poll conducted among US citizens by the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee, according to which less than three or four percent of the sample had any idea that there was an Israeli occupation. This seems to confirm a general rule: as … Continue reading “The Ideology of Occupation”