Against Negotiations

The established Israeli “Peace Camp” – Peace Now, Meretz, parts of the Labour Party – is under pressure. The “refuseniks” movement – soldiers who refuse to serve in the occupied territories – is growing steadily, in what seems to be the most important development in Israeli public life for at least a decade. More than … Continue reading “Against Negotiations”

The Terrorists Are Winning

Conservative columnist George F. Will is upset, claiming that "The war on terrorism is suddenly going terribly wrong." He thinks that "more than six months into the war on terror, terror is more indicated as a tactic than ever before." Will is upset, as are many conservatives and neocons, that the United States is once … Continue reading “The Terrorists Are Winning”

Our Hijacked Foreign Policy

Many are baffled by the Bush administration’s fixation on Iraq as the next target in our perpetual “war on terrorism.” After all, there’s no proven link between Saddam and 9/11, or Iraq and the anthrax scare – in spite of strenuous efforts to link Baghdad to both – so why is Dubya going off on … Continue reading “Our Hijacked Foreign Policy”

Our Hijacked Foreign Policy

Many are baffled by the Bush administration’s fixation on Iraq as the next target in our perpetual “war on terrorism.” After all, there’s no proven link between Saddam and 9/11, or Iraq and the anthrax scare – in spite of strenuous efforts to link Baghdad to both – so why is Dubya going off on … Continue reading “Our Hijacked Foreign Policy”


In my last column I did my best to summarize a very disagreeable book. Today, I will be looking at another rather short book, which has an interesting and important central theme. That theme is that “warfare against civilians must never be answered in kind”1 – further, that such warfare is everywhere and always “self-defeating” … Continue reading “ONE LESSON IS BETTER THAN NONE”

Conscription: A Tradition of Slavery

I rise to introduce legislation expressing the sense of Congress that the United States government should not revive military conscription. Supporters of conscription have taken advantage of the events of September 11 to renew efforts to reinstate the military draft. However, reviving the draft may actually weaken America’s military. Furthermore, a military draft violates the … Continue reading “Conscription: A Tradition of Slavery”

The Truth, At Last

In the gray, matter-of-fact bureaucratese so typical of a government document, the leaked “Israeli Art Student Papers” – posted on yesterday – confirm what we have been saying in this space all along: that an underground apparatus of Israeli covert agents, centered in the southwestern US but extending nationwide, carried out extensive operations in … Continue reading “The Truth, At Last”