Afghan Women and the Northern Alliance

One of the themes sounded by proponents of the current war in Afghanistan happens to be largely true. The Taliban regime really does oppress women in the name of a strict and somewhat dubious interpretation of the tenets of Islam. Women, who had been teachers, doctors and professional people in Afghanistan to a significant degree … Continue reading “Afghan Women and the Northern Alliance”

Who Gave Your Rights Away?

Many conservatives, liberals, and libertarians are protesting the numerous invasions of your liberty that Congress and the Bush administration have imposed during the past two months. But without realizing it, many of the protestors brought these invasions on themselves. THIS IS AMERICA? I do share their concerns, however. First, Congress rammed through an "anti-terrorism" bill … Continue reading “Who Gave Your Rights Away?”


Haven’t we had enough of Israel? The other day, an explosive device planted near a school by Israeli army commandos killed five Palestinian kids: Mohammed Na’im Astal, 14; his brother, Akram Na’im Astal, 7; Aniz Idris Astal, 11; his brother Omar Idris Astal, 14; and Mohammad Sultan Astal, 12, a cousin. They were blown to … Continue reading “ISRAEL AND 9/11”

‘Anti-Terror’ Bill Splits Conservatives

Voiding judicial oversight and restricting 4th Amendment limitations on government searches and seizures were the main changes to law of the new PATRIOT anti-terrorism bill according to Beryl Howell, General Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee. She spoke to the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Law and National Security on November 14th. Attorney General … Continue reading “‘Anti-Terror’ Bill Splits Conservatives”

‘Anti-Terror’ Bill Splits Conservatives

Voiding judicial oversight and restricting 4th Amendment limitations on government searches and seizures were the main changes to law of the new PATRIOT anti-terrorism bill according to Beryl Howell, General Counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee. She spoke to the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Law and National Security on November 14th. Attorney General … Continue reading “‘Anti-Terror’ Bill Splits Conservatives”

Just the Facts, Please

The folks who prepared the U.S. Government’s leaflets raining down with the bombs on Afghanistan can be forgiven for having left out a few key points. Here are excerpts from the leaflets, with some facts afterward. From "The Partnership of Nations is Here to Help," Leaflet #2: "Since the time of the Soviet invasion, Afghanistan … Continue reading “Just the Facts, Please”

Just the Facts, Please

The folks who prepared the U.S. Government’s leaflets raining down with the bombs on Afghanistan can be forgiven for having left out a few key points. Here are excerpts from the leaflets, with some facts afterward. From "The Partnership of Nations is Here to Help," Leaflet #2: "Since the time of the Soviet invasion, Afghanistan … Continue reading “Just the Facts, Please”


Bullied and herded by the leaders of both parties, our witless Solons in Washington passed the “USA PATRIOT Act” by a huge margin. Since the bill wasn’t even printed before the vote, they couldn’t possibly have read this 372-page document. But even if they had read it, it’s doubtful they would have balked at passing … Continue reading “IT CAN HAPPEN HERE”

Is There a Constitution?

I now proceed to answer my own question: If the events of the last few weeks are any guide, then of course there is no Constitution. This should hardly come as a surprise to those high-minded liberals who have been hawking the virtues of a flexible, plastic, evolving Constitution for many decades. Yet, some of … Continue reading “Is There a Constitution?”