Okay, so I marched in the San Francisco antiwar demonstration, October 26th, against my better judgement: and I’m glad I did. I did it because this was considered a test of antiwar sentiment, and I felt obligated to attend, but I had a good time in spite of myself. It was a colorful crowd, as … Continue reading “I AIN’T MARCHIN’ ANYMORE”

‘We Make You Play Bad Card’

Jiang Zemin’s visit to Bush’s ranch on Friday may prove decisive for US plans to wage war in Iraq. The Chinese government is thoroughly enjoying its relatively neutral stance throughout the War on Terrorism, while reaping the benefits of having its own “terrorist movement” in East Turkestan. Aside from deflecting the Bush Administration’s early attempts … Continue reading “‘We Make You Play Bad Card’”


The response of some to the capture of the Maryland sniper, John Allen Williams, a.k.a .John Allen Muhammad, illustrates an idea that has been preoccupying me of late: the relationship (if any) between ideology and truth. Ideology of any sort inevitably distorts the mental processes, and a writer – that is, a serious writer, and … Continue reading “A MAN NAMED MUHAMMAD”

Bending Posse Comitatus Brings Bad Results

Perhaps I should not have been surprised, but I was at least somewhat appalled that with the wall-to-wall coverage the issue received almost no attention. But the use of a military surveillance plane to try to capture the notorious Beltway murderer raises serious questions about the already-tattered separation between military activity and domestic civilian law … Continue reading “Bending Posse Comitatus Brings Bad Results”


As if to confirm what some opponents of this war have been saying – but not too loudly – about this being a war for Israel, the Bush administration is now "weighing an Israeli proposal for a joint operation in Iraq’s western desert to disarm Iraqi missiles before they could be launched against Israel." That … Continue reading “SMEARING THE ANTIWAR MOVEMENT”


Another day, another threat of war – this time on the North Korean front. Surely Pyongyang’s startling admission that indeed it is actively pursuing the nuclear option – "and more powerful things as well," according to this New York Times report – has pulled the rug out from under the War Party, even as the … Continue reading “NORTH KOREA’S HALLOWEEN SURPRISE”