The Elusive Dr. Karadzic

For the past seven years NATO troops tossed out a net to capture the elusive former Bosnian Serb president Radovan Karadzic based on either tips from informers [they say] or based on information obtained by threats to Serb government officials and to villagers. The BBC correspondent in Sarajevo, Nick Hawton, reported on 16 August that … Continue reading “The Elusive Dr. Karadzic”


There is no doubt more than a grain of truth in Maureen Dowd’s thesis that the current foreign policy row over Iraq is essentially a family feud between George W. Bush and his father, and that the solution may have to be “family therapy.” But surely this is a somewhat, er, one-dimensional view: leave it … Continue reading “THE SCOWCROFT DOCTRINE”

The Powell Doctrine: Baghdad/Jenin/My Lai

With the US poised to attack Iraq, it’s helpful to recall what pushed us over the brink last time … the invisible steps and the unspoken consequences. In the fall of 1990, when the US Congress was debating going to war, Amnesty International (AI) released an explosive report detailing how Iraqi soldiers had taken Kuwaiti … Continue reading “The Powell Doctrine: Baghdad/Jenin/My Lai”

Sleepwalking & Silent

As Americans, we need to ask ourselves: Do we really need another war memorial to our newest military dead? We may come to that in the often-threatened war against Iraq, which our Washington-based War Party confidently predicts will be short and sweet. Are you ready for TV cheering "our boys" on as they race valiantly … Continue reading “Sleepwalking & Silent”


[Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the September 2000 issue of Chronicles, and is reprinted with permission.] In his classic study of noninterventionist or “isolationist” thought, Not to the Swift, historian Justus Doenecke takes note of a phenomenon that might be called “Asialationism” – conservative politicians and publicists of the postwar era who were … Continue reading “BLOWBACK: READ THIS BOOK!”

Nothing New In Kosovo

Over the past couple of days, two prominent leaders of the "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA) have been arrested by the NATO forces occupying Kosovo. Rrustem Mustafa, better known as Commander Remi, is accused of torturing and murdering several people. Ramush Haradinaj was charged with "violent behavior" – a polite way to describe a shooting of … Continue reading “Nothing New In Kosovo”

The UN from Qana to Jenin

Last week, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan released a report on Israel’s attack on Jenin in April. A reminder of the highlights: After two weeks of heavy fighting in Jenin’s refugee camp, journalists and human rights organisations (including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International), who visited Jenin, unearthed numerous accounts of atrocities. Some 150 houses … Continue reading “The UN from Qana to Jenin”

Will War Aid Bush’s Re-election?

President Bush’s popularity among American voters remains high, thanks primarily to his new and improved status as a wartime president. As he and his administration realize this fact, they accordingly plan to extend his status by escalating the war against terrorism into Iraq, and throughout the Moslem world. Their obvious political calculation is that if … Continue reading “Will War Aid Bush’s Re-election?”


Justin Raimondo is on vacation. Today we present an appropriate classic from last year.The no-nonsense military affairs columnist Colonel David Hackworth, who gives his readers a grunt’s-eye view of what the perfumed princes of the Pentagon are up to, writes that “war is in the wind. But you wouldn’t know it if you get your … Continue reading “Classic Raimondo: THE MYTH OF THE SADDAM BOMB”

Invasion Complications

Although the Senate hearings on a possible American attack on Iraq were generally disappointing, an inclination to ask questions does seem to have surfaced as the possibility of such a war becomes more imminent. Certainly the comments from House Majority Leader Dick Armey about the inadvisability of attacking a country without a substantial justification for … Continue reading “Invasion Complications”