Monomania is the chief characteristic of most madmen, and so it is with those who are clamoring for war. By monomania I mean a fixation, or obsession, that colors perceptions and makes normal interaction with the world difficult, if not well nigh impossible. Your typical monomaniac might be, say, an anti-Semite, who interprets virtually all … Continue reading “THE SNIPER”

Pipsqueak Adversaries

In the wake of Congress having voted, after a desultory debate consisting mostly of three-minute statements written by aides, to give the president authorization to attack Iraq if he feels so moved, the most striking impression one gets is of how the appalling people who rule us love to pump up their chosen adversaries. But … Continue reading “Pipsqueak Adversaries”

The Euro-Soviet Threat

They say that committing murder becomes easier after you have done it the first time. The same is true of killing democracy. Next Saturday, Ireland will vote on the Nice Treaty, having already voted No to it in a referendum held in June 2001. This is the clearest possible betrayal of democracy and it bodes … Continue reading “The Euro-Soviet Threat”

They’ll Come For Us Next

It’s the double standards that gets me – no, cancel that, it’s the spineless me-tooism that’s really so revolting. I don’t ‘blame’ the United States for being the number one nation, still less for doing number one nation stuff, but what does get to me each time is the degree and direction of the self-deception … Continue reading “They’ll Come For Us Next”


While my opinion of the War Party’s propaganda and tactics has always been low, I never thought they would stoop to the tactics employed by Ronald Radosh, the neoconservative author and frequent writer for Frontpage, whose recent piece in the Boston Globe [10/13/02] characterizes me as nothing but a …. faggot. And a leftist – … Continue reading “THE TWO FACES OF RONALD RADOSH”

Many Ways the US Attack on Iraq May Fail

Many supporters of the U.S. war against Iraq suppose that it will be won quickly and easily. Not all responsible analysts agree. Two doubters are particularly interesting, one opposed to attacking Iraq, the other supporting it. Three scenarios are outlined by Immanuel Wallerstein, who teaches at Yale. First, there is the devout hope that the … Continue reading “Many Ways the US Attack on Iraq May Fail”

What Is ‘New’ In the New Bush Doctrine?

Toward the end of last month, there emerged from Important Places a statement of the strategic thinking of the Bush administration. Much was made of the document’s unilateralism and rhetorical embellishments. Further examination suggests that the chief novelty lies in the sheer nakedness of present US claims to universal rulership. Of course the United States … Continue reading “What Is ‘New’ In the New Bush Doctrine?”

Missile Tests Foment New Rivalries

As the beat of America’s war-drums against Iraq gets louder, the Indian government finds itself in an untenably contradictory situation: should it support a United Nations-endorsed attack against Iraq’s "terrorist" Saddam Hussein regime, as part of US President George W. Bush’s "global war against terrorism", which it zealously and unconditionally welcomed a year ago? Or … Continue reading “Missile Tests Foment New Rivalries”

Iraq – First Stop on the Road to Empire

We’re ki cking off our Fall campus tour, and Justin Raimondo is on the road: what follows is the text of a speech delivered on October 9, 2002, at Washington University, Missouri. Why war? Why Iraq? And why now? As the editorial director of, and a columnist for that site, half of the many … Continue reading “Iraq – First Stop on the Road to Empire”

Iraq: ‘A War Waiting for a Pretext’

For about a year, we’ve been hearing how intensely George W. Bush wants to remove Saddam Hussein from power. Mr. Bush has made all sorts of accusations against Hussein, but offered no public evidence to support his assertions. Finally, this past Monday evening we were to hear the full case for going to war against … Continue reading “Iraq: ‘A War Waiting for a Pretext’”