The More Enemies, the More Honor

An old photo from World War I shows a company of German soldiers getting on the train on their way to the front. On the wall of the car somebody had scribbled “viel Feind, viel Ehr” (“The more enemies, the more honor.”) In those days, at the very start of what was to be the … Continue reading “The More Enemies, the More Honor”

Mahmoud Abbas Gambles

A wonderful speech. A beautiful speech. The language expressive and elegant. The arguments clear and convincing. The delivery flawless. A work of art. The art of hypocrisy. Almost every statement in the passage concerning the Israeli-Palestinian issue was a lie. A blatant lie: The speaker knew it was a lie, and so did the audience. … Continue reading “Mahmoud Abbas Gambles”

Sad and Happy About Palestinian Statehood Bid

“Will this be the happiest day of your life?” a local interviewer asked me, referring to the approaching recognition of the State of Palestine by the U.N. I was taken by surprise. “Why would that be?” I asked. “Well, for 62 years you have advocated the establishment of a Palestinian state next to Israel, and … Continue reading “Sad and Happy About Palestinian Statehood Bid”

The Return of the Generals

Since the beginning of the conflict, the extremists of both sides have always played into each other’s hands. The cooperation between them was always much more effective than the ties between the corresponding peace activists. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” asked the prophet Amos (3:3). Well, seems they can. This was proved … Continue reading “The Return of the Generals”

Dichter’s Law

“THE PEOPLE Demand Social Justice!” 250 thousand protesters chanted in unison in Tel Aviv last Saturday. But what they need – to quote an American artist – is “more unemployed politicians”. Fortunately, the Knesset has gone on a prolonged vacation, three months. For as Mark Twain quipped: “No man’s life or property is safe while … Continue reading “Dichter’s Law”

Baksheesh for the Doorkeeper

A riddle: Which fleet did not reach its destination but fulfilled its mission? Well, it’s this year’s Gaza solidarity flotilla. It could be said, of course, that last year’s “little fleet” — that’s what the word means in Spanish, much as “guerrilla” means “little war” —  is also a reasonable candidate. It never reached Gaza, … Continue reading “Baksheesh for the Doorkeeper”

It Can Happen Here!

Years ago I said that there are but two miracles in Israel: the Hebrew language and democracy. Hebrew had been a dead language for many generations, more or less like Latin, when it was still used in the Catholic church. Then, suddenly, concurrent with the emergence of Zionism (but independently), it sprang back to life. … Continue reading “It Can Happen Here!”

Israel’s Instilled Memory

For several weeks now, our army and navy have been in a state of high alert, bravely facing a deadly threat to our very existence: 10 little boats trying to reach Gaza. These vessels are carrying a dangerous gang of vicious terrorists, in the form of elderly veterans of peace campaigns. Benjamin Netanyahu has affirmed … Continue reading “Israel’s Instilled Memory”

Sacred Mantras

The Palestinians are planning something thoroughly obnoxious: they intend to apply to the UN for statehood. Why obnoxious? Any Israeli spokesman (not to mention spokeswoman) will tell you readily: because it is a “unilateral” move. How dare they proclaim a state unilaterally? How dare they do so without the consent of the other party to … Continue reading “Sacred Mantras”

Another Theocracy in the Heart of the Muslim World

I am fed up with all this nonsense about recognizing Israel as the “Jewish state.” It is based on a collection of hollow phrases and vague definitions, devoid of any real content. It serves many different purposes, almost all of them malign. Benjamin Netanyahu uses it as a trick to obstruct the establishment of the … Continue reading “Another Theocracy in the Heart of the Muslim World”