Pompeo’s Trip to Israel: That Says It All

In November 2020, as dusk settled in on the Trump administration, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Israel. His trip not only confirmed that the new Israel-Arab peace deals were never about new peace deals – they couldn’t be because they made no new peace – but about recognizing and cementing the occupation and … Continue reading “Pompeo’s Trip to Israel: That Says It All”

Attacks in Iran Have Israel’s Signature on Them

The country had become an existential threat to Israel. It was ruled by a megalomaniac who wanted Israel eliminated. And now he wanted a nuclear bomb. They claimed their nuclear program was purely a civilian program, but Israel knew that was not true. So, they set out to set the program back. Israel undertook a … Continue reading “Attacks in Iran Have Israel’s Signature on Them”

Trump’s Peace Plan: How Far Would He Go?

Desperately chasing a single foreign policy accomplishment in the dying days before the election, Donald Trump is frantically pursuing a Middle East peace plan. Not the Israel/Palestine one he promised – in four years in office, that never came close – but the illusory peace plan between countries who were already at peace. How far … Continue reading “Trump’s Peace Plan: How Far Would He Go?”

While No One Was Looking: America, Guyana, and Venezuela

On March 2, 2020, the people of Guyana went to the polls. According to the Carter Center, at first things went really well. And then they didn’t. At the close of the day, President David Granger had been re-elected. But, though nine of ten districts reported cleanly, the largest district was mired in confusion. And … Continue reading “While No One Was Looking: America, Guyana, and Venezuela”

Peace Plans That Have Nothing To Do With Peace

On September 11, 2020, Bahrain announced that it had agreed to normalize relations with Israel, following a similar agreement by the United Arab Emirate (UAE). Both agreements are being packaged and sold as historic peace plans. They’re Not Peace Plans When President Carter brokered the peace plan between Israel and Egypt, that was a historic … Continue reading “Peace Plans That Have Nothing To Do With Peace”

What’s in the Israel/UAE Agreement? Here’s Five Things That Aren’t

The other day, a large box was delivered to my door. When I opened it, there was only a tiny item in the large box. Donald Trump called the normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) a "HUGE breakthrough." But like the package at my door, when you unpack the deceptive … Continue reading “What’s in the Israel/UAE Agreement? Here’s Five Things That Aren’t”

Donald Trump and the Art of Betrayal

Iran and the Nuclear Deal The betrayal began with Iran. The work had all been done by Obama and Secretary of State, John Kerry. Trump was the beneficiary of a historic treaty that made the world a safer place and that lifted trust between Iran and the US to a level it hasn’t been at … Continue reading “Donald Trump and the Art of Betrayal”

Seeing Events in Iran Through the Lens of Trump’s Polling Numbers

For nearly four years now, Donald Trump has been a blank check for Israel. That check may be about to expire. From recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel to plans to annex the West Bank to freedom to bomb in Syria, the Donald Trump blank check keeps on being cashed. But Trump’s polling numbers … Continue reading “Seeing Events in Iran Through the Lens of Trump’s Polling Numbers”

The Coronavirus May be Novel, But It’s the Same Old Foreign Policy

U.S. foreign policy suffers from such tunnel vision that it is unable to change course even with the appearance of something as colossal as the COVID-19 pandemic. The American foreign policy response to the pandemic has ranged from the negative end of the spectrum where the pandemic is ignored and no change is made to … Continue reading “The Coronavirus May be Novel, But It’s the Same Old Foreign Policy”

Is Israel at War With Iran?

When Meir Dagan was appointed chief of the Israeli Mossad, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon assigned him the responsibility of disabling Iran’s supposed nuclear weapons program. It was Dagan’s belief – and he practiced it often – that the most effective and efficient way to do that was to locate key players in the Iranian nuclear … Continue reading “Is Israel at War With Iran?”