The Assassination of Qassem Suleimani: Imminent Threat of Peace

On January 6, just days after the U.S. assassination of Iranian general Qassem Suleimani, Agnes Callamard, the United Nations special rapporteur on extrajudicial executions, requested that U.N. Secretary General António Guterres "establish an impartial inquiry into [the] lawfulness of Soleimani’s killing" under Article 99 of the U.N. charter, which gives the Secretary General the power … Continue reading “The Assassination of Qassem Suleimani: Imminent Threat of Peace”

Finally Got Him: The Bolivian Coup

The U.S. says it wasn’t a coup. Trump’s official statement "applauds" the Bolivian regime change for preserving democracy. Trump identifies the event as "a significant moment in democracy" because it stymied Bolivian President Evo Morales’ attempt "to override the Bolivian constitution and the will of the people. . .." But all three White House claims … Continue reading “Finally Got Him: The Bolivian Coup”

The Cries of the Kurds

The way you frame a question can shape the answer you’ll get. On October 6, 2019, the US removed its troops from the Kurdish region of northeast Syria, clearing the way for the Turkish invasion of the region that followed three days later. Trump’s decision was born of a phone call with Turkish President Recep … Continue reading “The Cries of the Kurds”

Iran, Islam, and Banning the Bomb

Yesterday In 1982, Iraq changed the nature of their war on Iran. They began using chemical weapons. At first, it was only tear gas. But, within a year, Iraq was using mustard gas and the nerve agents sarin and soman on, not only Iranian soldiers, but Iranian civilians. The downpour of chemicals was prodigious: the … Continue reading “Iran, Islam, and Banning the Bomb”

How Israel Could Prevent a War With Iran

The commonly offered logic behind America’s push for war against Iran is that it, at least in part, is pushed by Israeli desire for war with Iran. But that explanation defies the logic of the geopolitics of the Middle East. In the logic of the Middle East, Israel does not obviously seek war with Iran. … Continue reading “How Israel Could Prevent a War With Iran”

How America Created the Nuclear Conflict With Iran

If there was a meter to measure White House statements – or the tweets that pass for them – the needle would be wildly swinging from "willing to talk" to "locked and loaded." But, the needle never needed to be so jittery. Iran’s Need to Enrich A gust of the wind of international law is … Continue reading “How America Created the Nuclear Conflict With Iran”

Demythologizing the Roots of the New Cold War

When Soviet president Mikhail Gorbachev received his peace prize in 1990, the Nobel Prize committee declared that "the two mighty power blocs, have managed to abandon their life-threatening confrontation" and confidently expressed that "It is our hope that we are now celebrating the end of the Cold War." Recently, U.N. General Secretary António Guterres funereally … Continue reading “Demythologizing the Roots of the New Cold War”

Why Won’t Maduro Let US Humanitarian Aid Into Venezuela? History.

The mainstream media is full of images and stories of Venezuela’s inhumanely authoritarian leader Nicolás Maduro pushing American offerings of humanitarian aid away from Venezuela’s border with Columbia. The mainstream media serves us up our offerings of news as if each headline story was an isolated event, floating alone on an ahistorical sea, unmoored from … Continue reading “Why Won’t Maduro Let US Humanitarian Aid Into Venezuela? History.”

Five Striking things You Didn’t Know About Venezuela

The radical opposition’s case in the unfolding Venezuelan coup rest upon the claim that, since Nicolás Maduro’s second term in office was secured through an illegitimate election, the office of president has been vacated and should, constitutionally, be filled by the President of the National Assembly. Leaving aside the question of whether a contested election … Continue reading “Five Striking things You Didn’t Know About Venezuela”

What the Media Won’t Tell You About the Venezuelan Coup

The coup that is unfolding in Venezuela is not an American backed coup: it is an American coup. Mainstream media coverage paints the events only as American recognition of a legitimate constitutional correction of government. Even in the left wing and alternative media, where writers condemn the American intervention, many of them feel the need … Continue reading “What the Media Won’t Tell You About the Venezuelan Coup”