Sarkozy: Israeli Attack Inevitable

While the Republicans were nominating Sarah Palin – who reportedly believes the Bush-Cheney war of aggression against Iraq was inevitable, part of "God’s plan" – French President Nicolas Sarkozy was in Damascus, warning the "leaders of Syria, Turkey and Qatar" that an Israeli attack on Iran also appears to be inevitable. In comments broadcast on … Continue reading “Sarkozy: Israeli Attack Inevitable”

What a Mess To Clean Up

Americans have traditionally been optimists, and still probably think that if we could only make the right choices, the next President – working together with the next Congress – could clean up the mess Bush-Cheney and The Best Congress Money Can Buy have made, thereby making it safe to go abroad once again carrying an … Continue reading “What a Mess To Clean Up”

Another Famous Victory for Condi

Condi Rice – desperately seeking a diplomatic victory of some sort – has capitulated to Poland’s "key demand" that in return for allowing the siting in Poland of ten interceptors of our Ground-based Midcourse Ballistic Missile Defense system (GMD), we will give Poland at least one battery of our Patriot PAC–3 ballistic missile terminal defense … Continue reading “Another Famous Victory for Condi”

McCain Speaks for Every American?

Addressing fellow Americans in Pennsylvania, John McCain, presumptive Republican candidate for the Presidency of the United States, said he had spoken by telephone earlier that day with President Mikheil Saakashvili, of Georgia, then still a member – along with Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikstan, Uzbekistan, and the Russian Federation – of the Commonwealth … Continue reading “McCain Speaks for Every American?”

Anthrax Hysteria

Richard Cohen, a columnist for the Washington Post, revealed earlier this year that, "soon after" al-Qaeda successfully brought down the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, a "high government official" suggested he get a supply of Cipro, "the antidote to anthrax." Sure enough, quoth Cohen: "In the following days, as the horror started to … Continue reading “Anthrax Hysteria”

Nukes and Holocausts

In 1939, a group of Hungarian-born physicists – including Leo Szilard, Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner – persuaded Einstein to write President Roosevelt, bringing to his attention the possibility that recent scientific discoveries, by Lise Meitner and others still in Europe, could result in “extremely powerful bombs of a new type.” Roosevelt was interested enough … Continue reading “Nukes and Holocausts”

Regime Change Rationales

Well, in times like these, you probably ought to read Pat Buchanan’s latest book Churchill, Hitler and the Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World. You certainly ought to check out Buchanan’s interview about that book on Antiwar Radio. Buchanan convincingly argues that the Brit guarantee to come to … Continue reading “Regime Change Rationales”

Diplomatic Solution à la Condi Rice

According to Bush-Cheney sycophantic "reporter" Glenn Kessler, Bush’s alleged support for the diplomatic "solution" proposed by Secretary of State Condi Rice "suggests he increasingly is determined to put aside a possible military strike" to "end" Iran’s nuclear programs – all currently verifiably "Safeguarded" against diversion to any military purpose by the International Atomic Energy Agency. … Continue reading “Diplomatic Solution à la Condi Rice”

Nuke-Armed Paranoids

Emigré scientists – many of them Jews who had fled Europe to avoid persecution under the Nazi regime – were principal instigators of the United States nuclear-fission weapons program known as the Manhattan Project. In particular, in 1939, a group of Hungarian-born physicists – including Leo Szilard, Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner – persuaded Nobel … Continue reading “Nuke-Armed Paranoids”

Another Nail in the NPT Coffin

Garold Larson has the misfortune to be the Bush-Cheney Deputy Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament, and hence, was required to "celebrate" the 40th anniversary of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Misfortune, because Larson – who may not be a pathological liar – was required to make this outrageous claim; "President Bush … Continue reading “Another Nail in the NPT Coffin”