The Vote for Gulf War II

The Select Committee on Intelligence has just issued a report [pdf] highly critical of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) of October 2002, which served as the basis for the “Congressional Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq.” Various congresspersons are now saying that if they had known in October … Continue reading “The Vote for Gulf War II”

Dereliction of Duty

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has concluded that the “key assessments” in the National Intelligence Estimate – which was the basis for the “Congressional Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq” – were “not supported by the underlying intelligence.” Hence, the Committee has essentially accused Director of Central … Continue reading “Dereliction of Duty”

Déjà Vu, ElBaradei?

Mohamed ElBaradei – director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency – was in Israel last week pursuing a nuke-free Middle East. Now, ElBaradei has already certified Iraq to be nuke-free. And Iran. So, isn’t the Middle East already nuke-free? Well, not according to Mordechai Vanunu. Vanunu was a technician at the Israeli nuclear facilities … Continue reading “Déjà Vu, ElBaradei?”

ElBaradei’s Clintonian Mission

Mohammed ElBaradei – Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency – was in Israel last week. Pakistan next week? Or maybe India? Or North Korea? All in pursuit of a nuke-free world. But getting rid of nukes is not ElBaradei’s job. True, the IAEA was assigned the collateral duty of Safeguards “inspectorate” by Article … Continue reading “ElBaradei’s Clintonian Mission”

Casus Belli: High-Pitched Whine

Well, there they go again. The neo-crazy media sycophants are quoting unnamed “Western diplomats” to the effect that Syria is secretly developing nukes. Evidence? Well, it seems someone’s “experimental” sensors may have picked up what may be the acoustic or electronic signature of a high-speed gas-centrifuge. That’s it? We’re going to war with Syria because … Continue reading “Casus Belli: High-Pitched Whine”

More Neocraziness

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission – a bipartisan Commission established by Congress in 2000 “to investigate, analyze and provide recommendations to Congress on the economic and national security implications of the U.S.-China relationship” – reported to Congress this week. The Commission concluded that: “a number of the current trends in U.S.-China relations have … Continue reading “More Neocraziness”

More Bush Doctrine Fallout

You remember the Cox Committee, don’t you? It was a bipartisan commission established by Congress in 1998 to look into how a billion or so rice-farmers – aka, the People’s Republic of China – had managed to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles as well as small thermonuclear warheads, spy satellites and communication satellites to fit atop … Continue reading “More Bush Doctrine Fallout”