Nuts to Bush

Last November, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom – as agents for the European Union – began negotiations with Iran on "a mutually acceptable long-term arrangement" that would (a) provide "objective guarantees" to the EU that Iran’s nuclear program was exclusively for "peaceful purposes," (b) guarantee future EU-Iranian nuclear, technological, and economic "cooperation," as well … Continue reading “Nuts to Bush”

Sandbagging the NSG

Why did Secretary of State Rice make India the first stop on her whirlwind Asian tour? Perhaps to see if she could sabotage yet one more Iranian deal-in-the-making. Not content with sabotaging the current Iranian negotiations with the European Union on trade and investment "normalization," Condi whizzed down to New Delhi to prevent India from … Continue reading “Sandbagging the NSG”

Another “Intelligence” Fiasco

In announcing the president’s decision to nominate John Bolton to be ambassador to the United Nations, Condi Rice noted that, as undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, Bolton "has held primary responsibility" within the Bush-Cheney administration "for stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction." Bolton’s principal achievement? "John helped build a … Continue reading “Another “Intelligence” Fiasco”

Bolton’s Stewardship

President Bush has nominated John Bolton – currently undersecretary of state – to be ambassador to the United Nations, a presidential appointment that requires Senate confirmation. Will examining Senators focus on what they expect Bolton to accomplish in his new post, or will they focus on the mess of things he made in his last … Continue reading “Bolton’s Stewardship”

What Noncompliance?

Addressing the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna last week, Jackie Sanders, the U.S. representative, warned the panel that it "cannot ignore forever its statutory obligation to report this matter to the United Nations Security Council." What matter? Well, it seems that IAEA Deputy Director General Pierre Goldschmidt had just … Continue reading “What Noncompliance?”

Sandbagging the EU

Well, the media elite report that President Bush was dismayed by the reaction he got from the E3 [United Kingdom, France and Germany] of the European Union to his opposition to their agreement with Iran of 15 November, 2004, wherein: The E3/EU recognize Iran’s rights under the NPT, exercised in conformity with its obligations under … Continue reading “Sandbagging the EU”

Bye-Bye, NPT; Hello, Mushroom Cloud

"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous," President Bush said as he emerged from talks with European Union leaders. Ridiculous? Let’s hope so. For, according to Sirus Naseri, a senior member of Iran’s delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency, whose Board of Governors meets next week … Continue reading “Bye-Bye, NPT; Hello, Mushroom Cloud”

Not Another Osiraq

“Stopping Iran short of achieving a nuclear weapons capability – by diplomacy if possible; by other means, if necessary – is a vital U.S. interest.” That’s essentially the message President Bush has been laying on the Europeans, but it’s actually a conclusion contained in a report just issued by the Washington Institute for Near East … Continue reading “Not Another Osiraq”

Targeting Nonexistent Nukes?

On March 19, 2003, Bush informed Congress that Saddam posed “a continuing threat to the national security of the United States” by “continuing to possess and develop a significant chemical and biological weapons capability, actively seeking a nuclear weapons capability, and supporting and harboring terrorist organizations.” However, only days before, UN inspectors had reported that … Continue reading “Targeting Nonexistent Nukes?”

Blindly Backing Israel Against Iran

Well, that tears it. First we had Dick Cheney – the most powerful Vice-President we’ve ever had – nonchalantly tell a radio talk-show host just hours before the Bush-Cheney second inaugural: "Well, one of the concerns people have is that Israel might do it [that is, attack and destroy Iran’s IAEA-safeguarded facilities] without being asked; … Continue reading “Blindly Backing Israel Against Iran”