Re-Checking Saddam’s List

Now that the Brits have spilled the beans about how Bush and Blair hoped to get the Security Council to make demands on Saddam Hussein that he would find unacceptable, and the billion-dollar post-war Iraq Survey Group has validated Saddam’s declaration, you may wish to reprise this Supercritical Thoughts column that appeared at WorldNetDaily on … Continue reading “Re-Checking Saddam’s List”

Ambassador Bolton’s Agenda

It appears that President Bush is determined to make John Bolton our next ambassador to the United Nations. Why? Well, ever since the Soviet Union disintegrated, the UN and its enforcement agency – the Security Council – have more often than not thwarted what our neo-crazies wanted to do. The refusal of the Security Council … Continue reading “Ambassador Bolton’s Agenda”

ElBaradei Wins

Despite intense effort by John Bolton and the neocrazies to get rid of him, Mohamed ElBaradei has just been elected to a third term as Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency. A principal function of the IAEA – established in 1957 – is “To establish and administer safeguards designed to ensure that special fissionable … Continue reading “ElBaradei Wins”

The WMD Commission’s Shame

By now, all members of the Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction ought to have fallen on their swords. Why? Here is the way the commissioners began their report [.pdf] made to President Bush just a month before the London Sunday Times published the so-called Downing Street … Continue reading “The WMD Commission’s Shame”

The Damning Downing Street Memo

No thanks to the domestic and international neo-crazy media sycophants, you probably now know about the "Downing Street memo." The memo is actually the minutes – stamped “Secret and Strictly Personal – UK Eyes Only" – of a meeting between British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his senior national security team. The meeting was held … Continue reading “The Damning Downing Street Memo”

A Palliative for Neo-Crazy Lies

Because Bush-Bolton and the neo-crazies have legions of sycophants ensconced at all major media outlets, feeding you a daily diet of lies, misrepresentations, and false innuendo about – among other things – Iran’s nuclear programs, you’re probably in need of this palliative. Recall that Iran has been a member state of the International Atomic Energy … Continue reading “A Palliative for Neo-Crazy Lies”

Bolton, the Unlawful

Guess what? The man President Bush wants to be our Ambassador to the United Nations has frequently interfered – as Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security – in personnel and operations matters of various UN agencies in a manner deemed "unlawful" by many UN observers and by at least one UN tribunal. … Continue reading “Bolton, the Unlawful”

Bolton Already Has a Legacy

Even if Undersecretary of State John Bolton isn’t our next ambassador to the United Nations, he already has a legacy. At the recently concluded Review Conference for the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, his underlings managed to seriously undermine both the NPT and the Safeguards regime of the International Atomic Energy Agency. How? By … Continue reading “Bolton Already Has a Legacy”

Preventing Wheat Smut Attacks

Less than a year ago John Kerry declared that if elected president, his first priority would be preventing nuclear weapons proliferation. George Bush immediately rejoined that preventing the proliferation of “weapons of mass destruction” was high on his priority list, too, and cited his Proliferation Security Initiative of 2003 as proof. Too? Did you hear … Continue reading “Preventing Wheat Smut Attacks”

Iranian Nuclear Power Crazy? Think Again

Sir David King, her majesty’s chief scientist, has declared “global warming” to be a more serious threat to mankind than international terrorism. Hans Blix, former director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, concurs. James Lovelock, father of the Gaia hypothesis, thinks King and Blix – if anything – still underestimate the seriousness of the … Continue reading “Iranian Nuclear Power Crazy? Think Again”