Nothing to Refer

In a Note Verbale of August 1, 2005, Iran informed the International Atomic Energy Agency that Iran had decided to resume uranium-conversion activities – voluntarily suspended by Iran almost two years before – at the Uranium Conversion Facility at Esfahan. In October 2003, Iran had entered into negotiations with France, Germany and the United Kingdom … Continue reading “Nothing to Refer”

Bolton in a China Shop

For more than a year, representatives of 35 member states have been preparing a draft "outcome document" for the "high-level event" (HLE) involving heads of state that will immediately precede this month’s 60th session of the UN General Assembly. If anyone thought John Bolton – our ambassador to the United Nations for the next year, … Continue reading “Bolton in a China Shop”

Now Comes Katrina

Impeachee Bill Clinton probably wishes he’d never met Monica. George Bush may rue the day he met Katrina. Why? Because at a time when Louisiana and Mississippi National Guardsmen were desperately needed in their home states to do the job they were trained to do – to mitigate the consequences of an unprecedented natural disaster … Continue reading “Now Comes Katrina”

Aluminum Tubes Déjà Vu

In a recent column entitled "Powerless Non-Experts," syndicated columnist Charley Reese allowed as how "journalists" had no power. We journalists are mere observers. Like the fans in the bleachers, we watch the game, and some of us report it and some of us comment on it. But we don’t affect it. Charley was describing honest … Continue reading “Aluminum Tubes Déjà Vu”

A Six-Party Mess

According to the New York Times; “Pakistan’s president, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, confirmed Tuesday for the first time that a Pakistani nuclear scientist had provided North Korea with centrifuge machines that could be used to make fuel for an atomic bomb, a Japanese news agency reported.” State Department spokesman Sean McCormack promptly claimed Musharraf’s confirmation “reinforces … Continue reading “A Six-Party Mess”

Sino-Russian Guarantees?

Did you see where Russia and China are conducting "unprecedented" joint military exercises "involving air, sea and land forces"? Two countries possessing intercontinental ballistic missiles tipped with thermonuclear warheads! Thousands of them! All aimed at us! Some concerned observers suppose the Sino-Russian exercises were meant to forestall a threatened pre-emptive nuke attack by Bush-Cheney on … Continue reading “Sino-Russian Guarantees?”

More Media Lies About Iran

According to Reuters’ Louis Charbonneau – a neo-crazy media sycophant if ever there was one – those despicable Iranians "broke UN seals at a uranium processing plant" last week. According to Charbonneau, the International Atomic Energy Agency "put on the seals after Tehran agreed with the European Union’s biggest powers to halt all nuclear fuel … Continue reading “More Media Lies About Iran”

What The Neo-Crazies Knew

Back in 2003, the Brits, French and Germans entered into negotiations they hoped would result in an agreement providing “objective guarantees” to the European Union that “Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes.” This agreement was to equally provide “firm guarantees” to Iran “on nuclear, technological and economic cooperation and firm commitments on security … Continue reading “What The Neo-Crazies Knew”

The EU vs. Iran: Who’s Right?

While making courtesy calls, John Bolton, our newly appointed ambassador to the United Nations, reportedly "raised possible Security Council action on Iran’s announcement that it plans to resume enriching uranium, said one diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity." Wow! Here we go again. President Bush accuses an Islamic state of pursuing an illicit nuclear weapons … Continue reading “The EU vs. Iran: Who’s Right?”