ElBaradei’s Swan Song?

At the insistence of the Cheney cabal, the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency had a "special" meeting a month ago and passed a resolution [.pdf] requesting that the IAEA director-general: "[C]ontinue with his efforts to implement the Agency’s Safeguards Agreement with Iran, to implement the Additional Protocol to that Agreement pending … Continue reading “ElBaradei’s Swan Song?”

C’est la Guerre

President Bush has taken actions and made proposals that he claims were intended to “strengthen” the existing nuke proliferation-prevention regime. Ha! Last year, Bush specifically urged the Nuclear Suppliers Group to close what he claims is a "loophole," but is, in fact, one of the three pillars supporting the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons. … Continue reading “C’est la Guerre”

A Way Out for Iran?

The Bush-Cheney Pentagon is reportedly putting finishing touches on a plan to preemptively nuke Iran for insisting on its inalienable right – guaranteed by (a) the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, (b) the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and (c) their Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA – to enjoy the peaceful uses … Continue reading “A Way Out for Iran?”

Placating the Greenies

The Greenies aren’t particularly upset with President Bush for launching – on false pretenses – an unauthorized war of aggression against Iraq three years ago. Nevertheless, the Greenies are extremely upset with Bush. Why? Well, for one thing, up until now, Bush hasn’t taken the threat of global warming seriously. Sir David King, her majesty’s … Continue reading “Placating the Greenies”

March Madness

Gholamali Haddad-Adel, "speaker" of Iran’s parliament – in Cuba, last week – dismissed the possibility of a U.S. preemptive attack against Iran, finding it "impossible" to believe that the U.S. would want "to repeat the experience of Iraq." “We hope the United States is not so stupid,” he said. Presumably, Haddad-Adel meant to say, "We … Continue reading “March Madness”

Not Another No-End-in-Sight War

Last week, Representative Ron Paul (R, TX) pleaded with the House to not pass the House Concurrent Resolution entitled “Condemning the Government of Iran for violating its international nuclear nonproliferation obligations and expressing support for efforts to report Iran to the United Nations Security Council“: “Those reading this bill may find themselves feeling a sense … Continue reading “Not Another No-End-in-Sight War”

Sanction the IAEA Board, Not Iran

You probably heard that – as a result of extreme pressure brought by the Bush-Cheney administration – a special meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors was convened last week to discuss what to do about the “gravest” threat to develop to “our” national security since the end of the Cold War. … Continue reading “Sanction the IAEA Board, Not Iran”

Smoking Laptop

Since February, 2003, Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei and his inspectors at the International Atomic Energy Agency have been conducting intrusive investigations into Iran’s Safeguarded nuclear programs. Since December, 2003, Iran has been voluntarily adhering to an (as yet) unratified Additional Protocol to its Safeguards Agreement. Furthermore, Iran has searched for and provided ElBaradei documentation of its … Continue reading “Smoking Laptop”

Gravest Threat – Not

John Negroponte, our first director of national intelligence, gave his first threat assessment [.pdf] to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence last week. “Let me begin with a straightforward statement of preoccupation shared by all of us sitting here before you: terrorism is the preeminent threat to our citizens, homeland, interests, and friends. “The War … Continue reading “Gravest Threat – Not”

President Bonkers Bolton

Why is President Bush hell-bent on getting Iran’s alleged violations referred to the UN Security Council before March? Perhaps it’s because John Bolton is President of the Security Council this month. Bonkers Bolton has been point man in Bush’s campaign to undermine the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the … Continue reading “President Bonkers Bolton”