Bush’s DPRK Follies

Everyone now knows that the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) that Bush ordered prepared in the summer of 2002 to “justify” the preemptive invasion and occupation of Iraq was – to put it politely – a crock [pdf]. It relied heavily on disinformation – some of it provided by the neocrazies, themselves – and virtually ignored … Continue reading “Bush’s DPRK Follies”

Congressional Duplicity

While the European Union’s Javier Solana and Iran’s Ali Larijani were making “good progress” toward an agreement that “will provide objective guarantees [to the EU] that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes” that “will equally provide firm guarantees [to Iran] on nuclear, technological, and economic cooperation and firm commitments [by the EU to … Continue reading “Congressional Duplicity”

Coming Soon: Gulf War III

By September 2002 every would-be mover and shaker in our nation’s capital knew that Gulf War II would begin shortly after President Bush could claim, however implausibly, that international “diplomacy” had failed to get Saddam Hussein to give up his pursuit of nuclear weapons. Many of them knew that Saddam had given up his pursuit … Continue reading “Coming Soon: Gulf War III”

More Bush Diplomacy

Is it true that President Bush’s recent speech to the UN General Assembly means he no longer intends to use Iran’s “defiance” of a resolution by the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency and a resolution by the UN Security Council – which violate the IAEA Statute, the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of … Continue reading “More Bush Diplomacy”

Outrageous and Dishonest

Last year our intelligence community produced – at the request of Congress – a National Intelligence Estimate, which, inter alia, addressed Iran’s nuclear programs. Although that 2005 NIE was highly classified, Dafna Linzer reported, "A major U.S. intelligence review has projected that Iran is about a decade away from manufacturing the key ingredient for a … Continue reading “Outrageous and Dishonest”

Going Far, Far Beyond the NPT

Last week, the Secretariat of the International Atomic Energy Agency formally protested “outrageous and dishonest” accusations made by members of the Cheney Cabal about Iran’s Safeguarded nuclear programs. Interestingly, the “radioactive fallout” from a previous IAEA refutation – of the “Niger-Iraq yellowcake” documents – is still causing trouble for the Cabal and its sycophants. Last … Continue reading “Going Far, Far Beyond the NPT”

Bolton and the PSI Posse

Ever since the Soviet Union disintegrated, the United Nations and its enforcement agency – the Security Council – has more often than not thwarted what the neo-crazies wanted to do. In particular, in 2002 the Security Council refused to sanction Bush’s preemptive invasion of Iraq. The Security Council had been told Bush had “intelligence” that … Continue reading “Bolton and the PSI Posse”

Bully Bolton

Last year, President Bush’s nomination of John Bolton to be Ambassador to the United Nations never even made it out of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Opposition to Bolton’s confirmation was expressed formally to the Committee – by former Assistant Secretary of State Carl Ford, former Chief of Staff to Secretary Powell, Lawrence Wilkerson, former … Continue reading “Bully Bolton”

Bolton: Mission Accomplished?

This year, Bonkers Bolton and his Gang of Three (Brits, French, Germans) have managed to get the other members of the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors and the United Nations Security Council to commit assisted suicide, seriously undermining – as intended – the authority and effectiveness of the United Nations itself. First, the … Continue reading “Bolton: Mission Accomplished?”