So Much for Inalienable Rights

Two weeks ago, during his Senate confirmation hearings, nominee Robert Gates was asked if he believed the Iranians were trying to acquire a nuclear weapons capability. Gates said he did. He was then asked if he believed “the Iranians would consider using that nuclear weapons capability against the nation of Israel.” Gates said he didn’t. … Continue reading “So Much for Inalienable Rights”

Remember Pearl Harbor

Perhaps it is fitting that the Iraq Study Group chose to make its report public on “Pearl Harbor Day,” calling on, inter alia, President Bush to seek Iran’s help in extricating us from the mess he got us into by his “preemptive” attack on oil-rich Iraq’s non-existent nuclear weapons program. Perhaps even Bush will pause, … Continue reading “Remember Pearl Harbor”

Polonium-210, Fiction and Fact

According to Seymour Hersh, in early 2004, John Bolton, who was then the Under-Secretary of State for Arms Control, privately conveyed to International Atomic Energy Agency officials his suspicions that Iran was conducting research – at Parchin, the center of Iran’s Defense Industries Organization – into “the intricately timed detonation of conventional explosives” needed for … Continue reading “Polonium-210, Fiction and Fact”

Bonkers Diplomacy

Well, if nothing else, be thankful that Bonkers Bolton doesn’t stand any chance of remaining our ambassador to the United Nations, come January 2007. It’s also beginning to look like President Hu Jintao has outsmarted Bonkers Bolton (and his nominal boss, Condi Rice, and his real boss, Dick Cheney) at every turn. Oh, it’s true … Continue reading “Bonkers Diplomacy”

Is the Next Congress For Sale?

You may recall that shortly after taking office as Prime Minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert came to our nation’s capital to pay tribute to his presumptive protector, President George Bush, and to address a joint session of what some cynics have labeled “The Best Congress Money Can Buy.” On that occasion, Olmert told Congress how … Continue reading “Is the Next Congress For Sale?”

War of Aggression Thwarted?

Several weeks ago, a gaggle of prominent neo-crazies, including Richard Perle, Michael Ledeen, David Frum, Kenneth Adelman and Michael Rubin, railed on the record in Vanity Fair magazine against the incompetent implementation by President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld of their decades-long plans to effect regime change in Iraq. There were already more than … Continue reading “War of Aggression Thwarted?”

Who’s Targeting Iran – and Why?

One of the more interesting revelations elicited by Seymour Hersh from Scott Ritter during their public discussion last month, sponsored by the New York Society for Ethical Culture, about the Bush-Cheney administration’s not-so-secret plans to effect regime change in Iran, was the extent to which Ritter has been – and apparently still is – intimately … Continue reading “Who’s Targeting Iran – and Why?”

Punishing North Korea – Eh?

When George W. Bush became president, North Korea, Iraq, and Iran were signatories to the Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) and had made all their NPT proscribed materials, facilities, and activities subject to International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards. However, soon after identifying them as constituting an “axis of evil,” Bush claimed to have “intelligence” that all three … Continue reading “Punishing North Korea – Eh?”

Neocrazy Media Nuke Cover-up

When George W. Bush became president, as best the on-site monitors of the International Atomic Energy Agency could determine, the North Koreans were in total compliance with The Agreed Framework Between the United States of America and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea [.pdf]. In 1992, at the insistence of the Russians, the DPRK had … Continue reading “Neocrazy Media Nuke Cover-up”

Nero, Not Hitler

This year the Israelis and various neocrazy media sycophants have increasingly been comparing Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Adolf Hitler. That’s a ridiculous comparison, of course. Iran’s president is almost powerless and occupies in the Iranian government a position roughly equivalent to our Secretary of Interior. Chancellor Hitler, on the other hand, shortly after the … Continue reading “Nero, Not Hitler”