Israel’s Right of Self-Defense

Israeli officials ain’t talking, but the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA) is reporting that "government sources" in the United States and elsewhere "suggest" that two weeks ago a squadron of Israeli fighter-bombers attacked "a nuclear facility in northern Syria storing – or processing – nuclear materials provided by North Korea." JTA also noted the week-earlier Washington … Continue reading “Israel’s Right of Self-Defense”

Beginning-Ending Enduring Relationships

President Bush wants to establish an "enduring relationship" with Iraq, similar – he has reportedly said – to the one we have with South Korea. Weird, because only last week the South Koreans again signaled they would like very much to end their relationship with us, which has – in their opinion – endured far, … Continue reading “Beginning-Ending Enduring Relationships”

Rogue Regulator?

Days after Director-General Mohamed ElBaradei made his most recent "confidential" report to the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Cheney Cabal sycophantic editorialists at the Washington Post charged ElBaradei with being a "Rogue Regulator," behaving as if he was "free to ignore" the Board, using his IAEA Secretariat to "thwart" the … Continue reading “Rogue Regulator?”

IAEA-Iran Resolving Outstanding Questions

The Cheney Cabal media sycophants at the New York Times and elsewhere are indignantly reporting that Iran continues to ignore certain sections of resolutions passed by Board of Directors of the International Atomic Energy Agency, requiring actions deemed "necessary" to satisfy their "concerns" about Iran’s nuclear programs – concerns subsequently "reaffirmed" by the UN Security … Continue reading “IAEA-Iran Resolving Outstanding Questions”

Padilla the Maladroit

In May, 2002, Jose Padilla, upon reentering the United States for the first time in several years, was arrested by the FBI. A month later, while in Moscow, Attorney General John Ashcroft, announced the arrest at an impromptu news conference, charging Padilla with being a "known terrorist," who was "exploring a plan" to build and … Continue reading “Padilla the Maladroit”

Effecting Regime Change in Iran

Here we go again. Because "the continuing and immediate threat" of "grave acts of terrorism or threats of terrorism" constitutes "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States," the Bush-Cheney administration intends to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a "person" [as defined by Executive Order 13224] … Continue reading “Effecting Regime Change in Iran”

Challenging Bush’s Reality

Americans increasingly realize – despite a dearth of reporting by the mainstream media – that there is a widening gulf between reality and President Bush’s characterization of it. And what’s scary is that Bush may actually believe his mischaracterizations and act upon them, perhaps even nuking Iran, a signatory to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation Weapons, … Continue reading “Challenging Bush’s Reality”

The Illegal – and Immoral – Option

When Bill Clinton became President, there were five acknowledged nuke-armed states – the United States, United Kingdom, France, China and Russia. Back in in the late 1960s those five states had persuaded about 150 other states that didn’t have nukes to become signatories to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The NPT was viewed … Continue reading “The Illegal – and Immoral – Option”

Armageddon – Bring It On

Last week the Christians United For Israel organization held its annual show-of-force in our Nation’s Capital and Max Blumenthal recorded for posterity – if, God Willing, there is to be one – this most “politically extreme, outrageous” spectacle. “Founded by San Antonio-based megachurch pastor John Hagee, CUFI has added the grassroots muscle of the Christian … Continue reading “Armageddon – Bring It On”

Bush’s Next War of Aggression

Well, if you’re worried that Bush’s next war of aggression will involve nukes, there’s good news and bad news. First the Good News. The Cheney Cabal has apparently concluded that their previous ridiculous argument isn’t working. That Iran’s nuclear programs – albeit Safeguarded by the International Atomic Energy Agency – are somehow an existential threat … Continue reading “Bush’s Next War of Aggression”