NDAA Fuels Militarization, Enriches Defense Corporations, Expands Empire

Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) gave the following speech on the floor of the House of Representatives on December 20, 2012. Mr. Speaker I rise to oppose what will be the final National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) I will face as a Member of the US House of Representatives. As many of my colleagues are aware, … Continue reading “NDAA Fuels Militarization, Enriches Defense Corporations, Expands Empire”

Expanding Covert Warfare Makes Us Less Safe

Earlier this month we learned that the Obama administration is significantly expanding the number of covert Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) agents overseas. From just a few hundred DIA agents overseas today, the administration intends to eventually deploy some 1,600 covert agents. The nature of their work will also shift, away from intelligence collection and more … Continue reading “Expanding Covert Warfare Makes Us Less Safe”

How to End the Gaza Violence

As of late Friday the ceasefire in Gaza seems to be holding, if tentatively. While we should be pleased that this round of fighting appears temporarily on hold, we must realize that without changes in U.S. foreign policy it is only a matter of time before the killing begins again. It feels like 2009 all … Continue reading “How to End the Gaza Violence”

Intervention Backfires in Libya

The attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya and the killing of the U.S. ambassador and several aides is another tragic example of how our interventionist foreign policy undermines our national security. The more the U.S. tries to control the rest of the world, whether by democracy promotion, aid to foreign governments, or bombs, the … Continue reading “Intervention Backfires in Libya”

Military ‘Cuts’: Don’t Believe the Hype

Listen to Rep. Paul deliver this address. Grover Norquist, the influential conservative activist, recently made some very frank and sobering remarks about the U.S. military budget. Unlike many conservatives, Mr. Norquist understands that American national security interests are not served by the interventionist foreign policy mindset that has dominated both political parties in recent decades. … Continue reading “Military ‘Cuts’: Don’t Believe the Hype”

Moving Toward War in Syria

Listen to Rep. Paul deliver this address. Last week, the House passed yet another bill placing sanctions on Iran and Syria, bringing us closer to another war in the Middle East. We are told that ever harsher sanctions finally will force the targeted nations to bend to our will. Yet the ineffectiveness of previous sanctions … Continue reading “Moving Toward War in Syria”

When Will We Attack Syria?

Plans, rumors, and war propaganda for attacking Syria and deposing Assad have been around for many months. This past week, however, it was reported that the Pentagon indeed has finalized plans to do just that. In my opinion, all the evidence to justify this attack is bogus. It is no more credible than the pretext … Continue reading “When Will We Attack Syria?”

Unconstitutional Use of Drones Must Stop

Listen to Rep. Paul deliver this address. Last week I joined several of my colleagues in sending a letter to President Obama requesting clarification of his criteria for the lethal use of drones overseas. Administration officials assure us that a “high degree of confidence” is required that the person targeted by a drone is a … Continue reading “Unconstitutional Use of Drones Must Stop”

Are You Ready for War With Syria?

Listen to Rep. Paul deliver this address. War drums are beating again in Washington. This time Syria is in the crosshairs after a massacre there last week left more than 100 dead. As might be expected from an administration with an announced policy of “regime change” in Syria, the reaction was to blame only the … Continue reading “Are You Ready for War With Syria?”

On Indefinite Detention: The Tyranny Continues

Listen to Rep. Paul deliver this address. The bad news from last week’s passage of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act is that Americans can still be arrested on U.S. soil and detained indefinitely without trial. Some of my colleagues would like us to believe that they fixed last year’s infamous Sections 1021 and 1022 … Continue reading “On Indefinite Detention: The Tyranny Continues”