Yemeni Civil War Unleashes a Plague of Locusts

Locusts seem like something out of a science-fiction story or a Biblical apocalypse: miles-wide clouds of voracious insects descending from above and stripping the land bare of every scrap of vegetation. One almost sees Charlton Heston as Moses invoking the wrath of God on Pharaoh Yul Brynner. But plagues of locusts are not just archaic … Continue reading “Yemeni Civil War Unleashes a Plague of Locusts”

Kurdish Participation in the Armenian Genocide

A bipartisan 405-11 majority of the US House of Representatives decided Tuesday to condemn the 1915 massacre of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire. The result came after decades of attempts by the Armenian lobby, which had been successfully opposed by Turkey and its friends in the United States, especially – until recently – the pro-Israeli … Continue reading “Kurdish Participation in the Armenian Genocide”

As Naval Arms Race Heats Up, It Threatens Sea Life

Remember The Hunt for Red October? Tom Clancy’s first novel (1985), it was also the first novel ever published by, of all things, The United States Naval Institute Press, a 19th century spin-off of the US Naval Academy previously known exclusively for naval professional reference books, such as The Naval Officer’s Guide. Heavily promoted by … Continue reading “As Naval Arms Race Heats Up, It Threatens Sea Life”

Congo War Threatens Progress Against Ebola

The current ebola epidemic in the Congo is one of the many consequences of the Congo Wars, themselves the result of US support for Rwandan dictator Paul Kagame, in what is part of a familiar pattern of our government’s "humanitarian" support for one faction in a distant country leading to terrible results. The Democratic Republic … Continue reading “Congo War Threatens Progress Against Ebola”