Frank Grevil: A Hero for Our Time

Editor’s note: On Jan. 26, 2009, in Copenhagen, Denmark, former Danish military intelligence officer Frank Grevil was given the Sam Adams Award for integrity in intelligence. The following is an extended version of the introductory remarks by former CIA intelligence analyst Ray McGovern. Thank you, one and all, for coming this evening at such short … Continue reading “Frank Grevil: A Hero for Our Time”

What’s CIA Director Hayden Hidin’?

Outgoing CIA Director Michael Hayden is going around town telling folks he has warned President-elect Barack Obama "personally and forcefully" that if Obama authorizes an investigation into controversial activities like waterboarding, "no one in Langley will ever take a risk again." Upon learning this from what we former intelligence officers used to call an "A-1 … Continue reading “What’s CIA Director Hayden Hidin’?”

Obama Picks a Conscience for the CIA

At long last. Change we can believe in. In choosing Leon Panetta to take charge of the CIA, President-elect Barak Obama has shown he is determined to put an abrupt end to the lawlessness and deceit with which the administration of George W. Bush has corrupted intelligence operations and analysis. First and foremost, the appointment … Continue reading “Obama Picks a Conscience for the CIA”

Will Obama Buy Torture-Lite?

You’ve got to hand it to them. Torture aficionados at the White House and CIA have conned key congressional leaders into insisting not only that torture-lite would be a swell idea, but advocating that the overseers of torture be kept on. From change-you-can-believe-in, we seem to be slipping back to fear-you-can-trade-on. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, chair … Continue reading “Will Obama Buy Torture-Lite?”

Kafka and Uighurs at Guantánamo

"There is no right to due process for an alien who is not here," insisted the 44th Solicitor General of the United States, Gregory G. Garre, proudly representing the President of the United States, George W. Bush. Garre is a teacher of the law, you see, and was attempting to show a three-judge panel of … Continue reading “Kafka and Uighurs at Guantánamo”

Seeking Integrity at the CIA

Editor’s Note: An underlying factor in the national security crises confronting the United States has been the corruption of the US. intelligence process, with analyses tailored to fit the desires of the policymakers and with laws bent to permit torture and other abuses. In this guest essay, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern reflects on what … Continue reading “Seeking Integrity at the CIA”

Robert Gates’ Urge to Surge

It may become a biennial ritual. Every two years, if the commander in chief (or the commander in chief-elect) says he wants to throw more troops into an unwinnable war for no clear reason other than his political advantage, panderer in chief Robert Gates will shout "Outstanding!" Never mind what the commanders in the field … Continue reading “Robert Gates’ Urge to Surge”

Robert Gates: As Bad As Rumsfeld?

"As Bad As Rumsfeld?" The title jars, doesn’t it. The more so, since Defense Secretary Robert Gates found his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld, such an easy act to follow. But the jarring part reflects how malnourished most of us are on the thin gruel served up by the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM). Over the past few … Continue reading “Robert Gates: As Bad As Rumsfeld?”

President-elect’s Queries to Briefers

After a week lecturing at Kansas State University and then in Kansas City, Missouri, I could not shake the feeling that what Kansas and Missouri need most is the equivalent of Radio Free Europe, which was so effective in spreading truth around inside Eastern Europe during the Cold War. (Truth in advertising: during the late … Continue reading “President-elect’s Queries to Briefers”

Attack on Iran Off the Table?

On Sept. 23, the neoconservative chiefs of the Washington Post‘s editorial page mourned, in a tone much like what one hears on the death of a close friend, that "a military strike by the United States or Israel [on Iran is not] likely in the coming months." One could almost hear a wistful sigh, as … Continue reading “Attack on Iran Off the Table?”