Olive Branch for North Korea, Bombs for Iran?

The Iran nuclear deal is on the verge of sinking on May 12, when Donald Trump will decide whether or not to waive the nuclear-related sanctions, as the deal calls for. While the world is cheering the upcoming meeting between Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jung Un (including Trump’s fans calling for a Nobel … Continue reading “Olive Branch for North Korea, Bombs for Iran?”

Why Are Democratic Senators Enabling One of Trump’s Worst Decisions?

President Trump’s announcement stating that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and directing the State Department to begin moving the embassy sparked anger and protests across the world. One would think that Democrats would be be jumping at the chance to hammer Trump for his reckless plans that violate international law and needlessly add more … Continue reading “Why Are Democratic Senators Enabling One of Trump’s Worst Decisions?”

Time To Hit the Reset Button on US-Korean Policy

Touching down in Washington DC Friday night after a peace delegation to South Korea organized by the Task Force to Stop THAAD in Korea (STIK), I saw the devastating news. No, it was not that Reince Priebus had been booted from the dysfunctional White House. It was that North Korea had conducted another intercontinental ballistic … Continue reading “Time To Hit the Reset Button on US-Korean Policy”

Why Were the Saudi Streets So Quiet?

With the world’s media focused on President Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia, it’s curious that the streets of Riyadh were so empty. Unlike most of Trump’s public appearances, there was not a protester in sight. While Mexicans pour out on the streets to protest Trump’s anti-immigrant policies, bashing Trump piñatas and burning U.S. flags, there … Continue reading “Why Were the Saudi Streets So Quiet?”

Trump’s Saudi Trip Should Not Be To Clinch Arms Deal But To End Yemen War

President Trump’s trip to Saudi Arabia is designed to highlight his “art of deal” by clinching a massive $100 billion arms deal. But instead of using his presidency to be a salesman for the arms industry, Trump should be a statesmen for the suffering Yemenis. He should use his visit to press for a ceasefire … Continue reading “Trump’s Saudi Trip Should Not Be To Clinch Arms Deal But To End Yemen War”

Will Donald Trump Escalate the Devastating War and Hunger in Yemen?

This week marks the beginning of year three of the Saudi-led military intervention in the civil war in Yemen, an intervention that has resulted in an epic tragedy of destruction and starvation. Tens of thousands of Yemenis marked the occasion by pouring into the streets of the capital, Sanna, to call for an end to … Continue reading “Will Donald Trump Escalate the Devastating War and Hunger in Yemen?”

Why Is Donald Trump Lunching With a Saudi War Criminal While Yemenis Are Starving?

While President Trump sat down for a sumptuous meal at the White House on Tuesday, March 14 with Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, millions of Yemenis are going hungry thanks to Trump’s lunch guest.Prince Salman is only 31 years old, but as the king’s favorite son, he was put in charge of the … Continue reading “Why Is Donald Trump Lunching With a Saudi War Criminal While Yemenis Are Starving?”

In Trump’s World Where Money Talks, Saudi Arabia Gets a Free Pass

President Trump’s Muslim ban is not only mean-spirited and, hopefully, unconstitutional, but it is irrational because it doesn’t even include the country most responsible for spreading terrorism around the world: Saudi Arabia. The travel restrictions on seven Muslim-majority countries was rationalized as a way to thwart potential terrorists from entering the United States, with Trump … Continue reading “In Trump’s World Where Money Talks, Saudi Arabia Gets a Free Pass”

No More Holiday Gifts for Repressive Regimes

While the world has been transfixed on the epic tragedy in Syria, another tragedy – a hidden one – has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every 10 minutes a child in Yemen dies from malnutrition, diarrhea, or respiratory-tract infections, UNICEF reports. And without immediate medical … Continue reading “No More Holiday Gifts for Repressive Regimes”

Starving Yemeni Children, Bloated US Weapons Makers

While the world is transfixed on the epic tragedy unfolding in Syria, another tragedy – a hidden one – has been consuming the children of Yemen. Battered by the twin evils of war and hunger, every ten minutes a child in Yemen is now dying from malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory-tract infections. A new UNICEF report … Continue reading “Starving Yemeni Children, Bloated US Weapons Makers”